Water Harvesting – Definition, Importance, Methods, Limitations
Water is one of the most essential natural resources that are present on this planet...
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Hormones In Animals
Hormones in Animals are small chemical secretions that are produced by special glands known as Endocrine Glands. All animals including humans produce hormones that allow the body to perform specific functions. Hormones are of different types- peptide-based, amino acid-derived, or steroid-based. Some Examples of hormones are Testosterone, Progesterone, Aldosterone, Prolactin, Thyroxine, etc. The Function of Hormones is very specific. It is target-based. For Example, The human growth hormone is released by the pituitary gland on the command of the hypothalamus....
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Heterotrophic Nutrition
Heterotrophic mode of nutrition is most commonly seen in humans. Nutrition is broadly classified into two types- Autotrophic nutrition and Heterotrophic nutrition. In heterotrophic nutrition, the organism obtains and uses organic nutrients from other species. All the organisms belonging to Kingdom Fungi and Kingdom Animalia show completely heterotrophic nutrition. Organisms of Kingdom Plantae show a completely autotrophic type of nutrition, except for some parasitic, symbiotic, and partially heterotrophic plants....
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Human Nervous System – Structure, Function, and Types
The Human Nervous System is a network of specialized cells and tissues that includes the brain, spinal cord, and a complex network of peripheral nerves. The types of nervous systems and their functions are discussed in this article. The human nervous system is responsible for receiving, transmitting, and processing information within the body. The nervous system functions to enable communication between different parts of the body and allows organisms to interact with their environment. In this article, we will study types of nervous systems and their functions in detail....
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Which is a Better Mode of Reproduction & Why?
Reproduction is a fundamental process of life, it is essential for the continuation of life. Among the different ways of how organisms reproduce, sexual reproduction is the better mode of reproduction because of:...
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Nutrition in Living Organism
Nutrition is the process by which we obtain and consume food that is necessary for growth and overall health. Nutrition can be divided into two main types: The autotrophic mode of nutrition, where organisms produce their own food, and the heterotrophic mode of nutrition, where organisms consume other living organisms or organic matter for nutrients....
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Speciation and Evolution
Through the process of reproduction, individuals give rise to new individuals that are similar (not the same) to the parents. This similarity in progeny or offspring or child is due to the transmission of characters or traits from parents to their progeny. The transfer of characters from parents to offspring is known as heredity and the process through which characters or traits pass from one generation to another is called inheritance....
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Tracing Evolutionary Relationships
The transfer of traits from one generation to the next is known as heredity, also known as inheritance or biological inheritance. Whether by asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction, the offspring cells or organisms acquire the genetic makeup of their parents. Variations between people can accumulate through genetics and lead to the natural selection-driven evolution of species. In biology, genetics is the study of heredity....
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CBSE Class 10 Biology Chapter-Wise Notes
CBSE Class 10 Chapter-wise Notes of Biology is useful for students to quickly revise important topics for their board examination. Class 10 Biology is an exciting subject that covers a different range of topics such as Life Processes, Control, and Coordination, How Do organisms Reproduce, Heredity, and Our Environment....
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Reflex Action
Reflex action is an involuntary and automatic response to a specific stimulus. Reflex action is a type of behavior that is not consciously controlled by the brain, but rather, it is mediated by the spinal cord and peripheral nerves. Reflex action is an essential survival mechanism that allows an organism to respond quickly to potentially harmful stimuli....
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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Biology
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science provides a complete understanding of all the science chapters that are included in the Class 10 Biology syllabus. Studying the answers to questions that are asked in textbooks will ensure a better understanding of each topic and it helps the student to make a strong knowledge base....
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Means of Transportation In Plants
Plants are very important for our daily needs. Plants give oxygen because of photosynthesis by taking carbon dioxide that we release this is why plants are important for our living process. The plant is the first living organism on the earth. One living organism that is in every part of the earth is a plant. A plant can grow everywhere on earth. There are two types of plants. They are...
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