Bulma Loader
In this article, we’ll see about Loader in Bulma. For creating a loader, Bulma uses Sass mixins that are available for us to create the customer CSS outputs. The loader() is a mixin that creates a spinner in the form circle. For making the loader, we have to use some CSS for making a better output in Bulma....
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Bulma Overflow Touch
In this article, we will learn about Bulma overflow touch mixin. This mixin allows that whether or not the touch devices should use momentum-based scrolling for an element. This mixin adds the -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; rule to the HTML element....
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Bulma Arrow
In this article, we’ll see about Bulma Arrow. Arrow is a mixin in Bulma that is created with the help of SASS mixins. The Bulma framework uses SASS mixins for creating the custom CSS output. The arrow() is a mixin that creates an arrow icon or figures with the help of CSS....
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Bulma Mixins
In this article, we will know about Bulma mixins. Bulma mixins help the users create CSS code that can be reused throughout the website....
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Bulma Reset
In this article, we’ll learn about Bulma Reset. Bulma reset() is a mixin that is used in creating a button or any other element non-clickable. The reset() mixin applies a soft styling reset in the HTML element. This mixin is mostly used in <button> elements....
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Bulma Font Awesome Container
In this article, we’ll learn about Bulma Font Awesome container mixin. The Font Awesome container mixin creates a square inline-block element that is used for containing an icon, or group of icons of any type or category. The mixin uses two parameters for adding some styling into the container. The first one $size parameter defines the font size of the icon whereas the second one i.e, $dimensions parameter defines the dimensions of the container that is being created....
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Bulma Responsive Mixins
Bulma uses Sass mixins to create the CSS output and they are mainly used within the context of the Bulma framework....
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Bulma Clearfix
In this article, we’ll learn about Bulma Clearfix. It is a mixin that adds a ::after pseudo-element with a clear: both rule. Using this mixin will cause the elements after the floating element to flow around it....
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Bulma findColorInvert() Function
Bulma is an Open source CSS framework which is developed by Jeremy Thomas. This framework is basically based on the CSS Flexbox property. It is highly responsive and it helps in minimizing the use of media queries for responsive behavior....
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Bulma Mixins Center
In this article, we’ll learn about Bulma Mixins Center. The center() mixin in Bulma allows the users to absolutely position an element with fixed dimensions at the center of its closest positioned parent class. Any element like an image or text can be centered with the help of Bulma center mixin. Below is the full example using an image and text is illustrated....
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Bulma CSS Mixins
In this article, we will know about Bulma CSS Mixins. Bulma CSS Mixins are the mixins that help the users to add CSS rules to the HTML element....
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Bulma findLightColor() and findDarkColor() Functions
Bulma is an Open source CSS framework which is developed by Jeremy Thomas. This framework is basically based on the CSS Flexbox property. It is highly responsive and it helps in minimizing the use of media queries for responsive behavior....
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