JavaScript Number() Constructor
Javascript Number() Constructor is used to create a new number object but, if we call it as a function on another data type it will perform type conversion to number if possible....
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How to export default constructors ?
The export statement is used to bind one JavaScript module to others. In order to export the default constructor, we use an export statement and import module at the required place. On creating an instance of the class, the constructor of a respective class is invoked....
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JavaScript String() Constructor
The Javascript String() Constructor is used to can be used as a constructor or a function. that creates a new string object. It can be used in two different ways:...
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JavaScript Proxy() Constructor
JavaScript proxy() constructor is used to return the proxy constructor function for the object(e.g. property lookup, assignment, enumeration, function invocation, etc)....
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JavaScript Boolean() Constructor
The Boolean() constructor in JavaScript is a built-in function that can be used to create a new Boolean object. The Boolean() constructor takes a single argument and returns a Boolean object with a value of true or false depending on the type and value of the argument passed in....
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JavaScript String constructor Property
The String constructor property in JavaScript is used to return the string constructor function for the object. The function which is returned by this property is just the reference to this function, not a string containing the function’s name. The JavaScript number constructor, string constructor, and boolean constructor return function Number() { [native code] }, function String() { [native code] } and function Boolean() { [native code] } respectively....
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JavaScript WeakMap() Constructor
The WeakMap() Constructor produces WeakMap objects that are a key/value pair array in which the key is referenced weakly. The keys should be objects and the values could be arbitrary. The difference between Map and WeakMap is that keys must be objects and are only weakly referenced. This means that if there are no other strong references to the key, the garbage collector can remove the element in WeakMap....
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Constructor equals() method in Java with Examples
The constructor class provides information about a single constructor for a class and it also provides access to that constructor. The equals() method of java.lang.reflect.Constructor is used to compare this Constructor against the passed object. If the objects are the same then the method returns true. In java Two Constructor objects are the same if and only if they were declared by the same class and have the same formal parameter types....
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Constructor getName() method in Java with Examples
The constructor class provides information about a single constructor for a class and it also provides access to that constructor. The getName() method of java.lang.reflect.Constructor is used to return this constructor name, as a string. Constructor name is the binary name of the constructor’s declaring class....
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How to Implement a Copy Constructor for Deep Copying?
In C++, the copy constructor enables us to initialize an object using another object of the same class. In this article, we will learn, how to implement a copy constructor for deep copying....
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Constructor getGenericParameterTypes() method in Java with Examples
The getGenericParameterTypes() method of java.lang.reflect.Constructor class is used to return an array of objects that represent the types of the parameters present on this constructor object. The arrangement Order of the returned array from this method is the same as the order of parameter present on this constructor object. If the constructor has no parameters then the method returns an array of length 0....
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Constructor getTypeParameters() method in Java with Examples
The getTypeParameters() method of a Constructor class is used to get an array of TypeVariable objects declared by this Constructor Object, in declaration order. Elements of array represent the type variables objects declared by Method. An array of length 0 is returned by this getTypeParameters(), if the Method Object generic declaration contains no type variables....
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