Background local notifications in Flutter
Sometimes user wants some very important features like the latest news updates, latest articles updates, weather condition alert, complete his/her profile update, future events update and much more in his/ her Android or iOS device without opening App and if you would like to develop this kind of Android and iOS application then this article will help you to do so. In this process, we set up background jobs that periodically check update about the latest events or alert....
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Hosting Flutter Website On Firebase For Free
Flutter is a user interface development software development kit. Flutter is an open-source project maintained by Google. It enables software developers to make beautiful natively compiled applications for IOS, Android, Web, and Desktop with a single code base. Although developing flutter applications is very fun and interesting, but it is also important to showcase the product to the end-user. And one of the best ways to do that is by hosting the flutter web application on firebase hosting....
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Comparison of Dart and JavaScript
In this article, we will compare Dart vs JavaScript, the two competing programming languages in cross-platform mobile application development. JavaScript reached the height of its popularity when it entered the fields of cross-platform mobile application development and server-side development. Since the Node.js framework can be used for both frontend and backend development, JavaScript became highly popular among web developers. With the rise of  React Native by Facebook, also mobile app developers started to move towards JavaScript. As a result, JavaScript remains the most popular programming language to this day....
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Introduction to AngularDart
In this article, we will look at the basics of the AngularDart framework and how can we get started with it in online mode. So first let’s see what is Dart....
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Difference between TypeScript and Dart language
TypeScript: It is an open-source pure object-oriented programming and compiled language which is developed and maintained by Microsoft. It has been influenced by JavaScript, Java, C#. It is C-style syntax and it can optionally trans-compile into JavaScript and it used to develop web and mobile applications. First release of TypeScript was in October 2012. It is a typed superset of JavaScript like CoffeeScript means it is a JavaScript with some additional features....
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Dart Vs JavaScript | Cross-Platform Mobile Application Development
Cross-platform mobile application development involves developing, deploying and managing mobile apps that can be used on multiple mobile platforms. Dart and JavaScript are languages used widely in the field of cross-platform mobile application development. From calculating monthly expenses to scheduling sales reports, applications help businesses to automate processes and increase efficiency....
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Flutter – Implement SwitchListTile Widget
The SwitchListTile widget in Flutter is a combination of a ListTile and a switch. It provides a user-friendly way to toggle a boolean setting or option within your app. Here’s how you can implement a SwitchListTile widget. A sample video is given below to get an idea about what we are going to do in this article....
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Flutter – Custom Gradient CheckBox
Flutter is famous for its UI components and its development. There are many widgets available with multiple properties to customise. Let’s create a custom gradient checkbox. A sample video is given below to get an idea about what we are going to do in this article....
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Flutter – Using Nested Models and Providers
The provider is a simple state management technique that is used for managing a piece of data around the app. It is basically a wrapper around inherited widgets but it is easy to understand and manage. Before going ahead we have to understand some concepts in provider –...
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Flutter – Schedule Local Notification using Timezone
In this article, we will explore the process of scheduling local notifications using the Timezone package in Flutter....
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Web Scraping in Flutter
The process of extracting required data/information from a web page by accessing the HTML of the web page is called Web Scraping or Web Harvesting or Web Data Extraction....
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Flutter – Mark as Favorite Feature
Adding to favorites is a prevalent feature in many applications. It enables the users to mark or save images, addressed, links or others stuff for easy future reference. In this article, we are going to see how to implement favorites or add to favorites feature in a flutter application. This article list two methods to do so. In the first method, we will add a simple (stateless widget) icon that changes color on tap, to mark a card for future reference. In the second example, we will be implementing a comparatively complex favorite feature which will involve StateFul widgets, saving the data in a set, and then displaying it on another screen....
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