How to connect Node with React ?
In this article, we will see how Node JS and React JS are an important part of developing full-stack web applications, where React is used for the front end and Node for the back end....
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Node fs.mkdir() Method
The fs.mkdir() method in Node.js is used to create a directory asynchronously....
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Web-Socket in Node
WebSocket is a communication protocol enabling full-duplex communication, allowing simultaneous two-way communication between a user’s browser and the server. It establishes a continuous connection, enabling messages to be sent between the web server and browser at any time. Unlike traditional request/response formats, WebSocket facilitates server-initiated communication with the client. To implement WebSocket in NodeJS, the “” dependency needs installation. Additionally, installing the “express” module is essential for server-side applications....
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Node response.writeHead() Method
The `response.writeHead()` property, introduced in Node.js v1.0, is part of the ‘http‘ module. It is used to send a response header to the incoming request. The status code represents a 3-digit HTTP status code (e.g., 404), and the headers parameter contains the response headers. Optionally, a human-readable statusMessage can be provided as the second argument....
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Express res.status() Function
The res.status() function sets the HTTP status for the response. It is a chainable alias of Node’s response.statusCode....
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How to Create and Verify JWTs with Node?
In this article, we will see how to create JWT tokens in Node.js. We will implement secure authentication in Node.js by creating and verifying JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) using libraries like `jsonwebtoken`....
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HTML Marquee scrollamount attribute
The Marquee scrollamount attribute in HTML is used to set the amount of scrolling at each interval in pixels. The default speed of the marquee value is 6. It moves the content by displaying it, then delaying it for some short period, and then displaying the content again in a new position....
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Moment.js moment().month() Method
The method `moment().month()` in Moment.js is employed to retrieve or modify the month of the Moment object. It’s important to note that the months in Moment.js are zero-indexed. Consequently, the valid range for months is 0 to 11, where 0 corresponds to January and 11 to December. If a value greater than 11 is specified, it will roll over to the subsequent year....
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Text Animation with changing the color of the text using HTML and CSS
Text animation is the creation of beautiful and colorful letters, words, and paragraphs with a decorative movable effect. The movement can be seen in some fashion within the area or across the screen following some regular pattern....
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Weather app using Vanilla JavaScript
The following approach covers how to create a Weather Application in Vanilla JavaScript using Open Weather Map API. Using this API, we can get weather data for each coordinate....
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How to get the text of option tag by value using JavaScript ?
To get the text of the option tag by value using JavaScript, we have multiple approaches. we are going to learn how to get the text of the option tag by value using JavaScript....
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How to use underscore.js as a template engine ?
While writing layouts for web pages, it is often the case that we require certain elements of the page to have dynamic values. For such scenarios, we use templates. Templates enable us to embed logical segments inside static HTML code, which makes the page dynamic based on the values passed in the template. To render templates, we require a template engine. In this article, we will discuss how the popular JavaScript library underscore.js can be used as a template engine....
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