PHP | Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer | send() Function
The send() function is an inbuilt function in PHP | Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer which is used to send HTTP headers with the correct content-type (application/, cache control and filename for the file....
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PHP | Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer | setAlign() Function
The setAlign() function is an inbuilt function in PHP | Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer which is used to set cell alignment of the spreadsheet....
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PHP | Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer | setVAlign() Function
The setVAlign() function is an inbuilt function in Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer which is used to set cell alignment of the spreadsheet. This is an alternative to the setAlign() function....
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PHP | Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer | setHAlign() Function
The setHAlign() function is an inbuilt function in PHP | Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer which is used to set cell alignment of the spreadsheet....
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How to Round With Doubles in Excel VBA
The round function is used to round the floating numbers to a particular decimal value. Rounding a number, where it has a long decimal value will give a good balance between accuracy and readability. It also helps in calculation and also to get a precise result. In real life, it is useful in doing mental mathematics, calculating taxes, and also in restaurants or grocery stores. Two types of rounds are there:...
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How to Create a Two-Variable Data Table in Excel?
Two-Variable Data Table is a very significant tool for what-if data analysis. With the help of two-variable data tables, we can find all possible trends that can arrive by changing different values. For example, if we know the annual sales of a company, its percentage of expenses and growth. So, by keeping annual sales constant we can find the projected sales of a company by varying expenses and growth. Let’s learn how to create a two-variable data table....
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Bar Chart Visualization with Excel Power View
Bar charts are commonly used to compare data points from many data series. The categories are sorted vertically, and values are organized horizontally in a bar chart. To learn more about bar charts please refer here. A bar chart, often known as a bar graph, is a type of chart that uses rectangular bars with heights proportionate to the values they represent to depict categorical data. The categories are shown on one axis of the chart, while the value scale is represented on the other. The bars are all the same width, allowing for quick data comparison....
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Creating Actual Vs Target Chart In Excel With Floating Markers
Excel is known to be a powerful tool for data visualization, comparison, storage, and management which can handle large amounts of data. We know that data can be visualized and compared using different kinds of plots and charts in Excel such as line charts, bar charts, etc. The tool is used to get insights from data using formulas and functions. It is primarily used by Accounting professionals to get insights into financial data, but it can be used by anyone for different purposes. Let’s see how to create an Actual vs Target chart using floating markers:...
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Compare Data in an Excel Chart using Drop Down Lists
An excel chart is a graphical representation of a set of data that can be used for analyzing the data easily. A drop-down list allows the user to choose a specific item or element from a list. In order to learn more about excel charts please refer to Types of Charts in Excel and to learn dropdown lists refer here. Here, we will compare and analyze data using an excel chart with the help of a drop-down list. We will use mobile phones and compare them with the help of a drop-down list and represent the comparison data in excel charts....
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How to Add and Use an Excel Pivot Table Calculated Field?
Excel pivot tables are one of its most helpful features. They are utilized to summarize or aggregate large quantities of data. The data can be summarized using the average, the count, or other statistical approaches. It summarizes a large amount of data into a few rows and columns. They make it simple to explore the data from various views and angles and are excellent for data exploration....
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How to Read Excel Multiple Sheets in Python Pandas
Reading multiple sheets from an Excel file into a Pandas DataFrame is a basic task in data analysis and manipulation. It allows us to work with data spread across different sheets efficiently within the Pandas framework....
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How to Expand Cells to Fit the Text Automatically in Excel?
We all know how useful Excel is to store tabular data. We can do calculations in excel, we can store any information that is in the form of tables, and so on. But there are some common problems that we all face while using Excel. One of the problems that we encounter while entering oversized, overlength data in a cell. Whenever we enter any data that is not fitted in the cell every time we need to resize the column width and that is too frustrating. This article will show you how to make your cells automatically change their width whenever any oversized data is entered....
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