Spring Data LDAP
Spring Data LDAP is a project that provides a familiar and consistent repository abstraction for Spring LDAP. It builds on top of Spring LDAP’s LdapTemplate and Object-Directory Mapping (ODM) features and provides repository implementations for CRUD operations on LDAP entries. Spring Data LDAP can be used to develop applications that access LDAP directories for a variety of purposes, such as:...
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JPA One-to-One Mapping
In Java, JPA can define the Java Persistence API, One-to-one mapping is the common association relationship where one instance of the entity is associated with exactly one instance of another entity....
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What is Spring Data REST?
Spring Data REST is a framework that exposes Spring Data repositories as RESTful endpoints. It allows you to create REST APIs for your data without having to write any controller code. Under the hood, Spring Data REST uses Spring Data repositories to access and manage data. So you first need to define Spring Data repositories for your entities. These repositories extend interfaces like CrudRepository. To use Spring Data REST, you simply need to create Spring Data repositories for your domain model entities. Spring Data REST will then automatically expose these entities as REST resources. You can also customize the exposed resources using annotations and configuration options...
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When to Use @DiscriminatorValue Annotation in Hibernate?
The @DiscriminatorColumn annotation in JPA is used to differentiate one entity from another entity class from an inheritance hierarchy. This annotation is used to provide the name of the discriminator column. It is required to specify this annotation on the root entity class only. The @DiscriminatorColumn annotation in JPA defines the discriminator column for entities that are part of the inheritance hierarchy. It specifies the discriminator value which is used to differentiate between different types of entities in the hierarchy....
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findBy Methods in Spring Data JPA Repositories
Spring Data JPA abstracts the boilerplate code required to interact with the database, allowing developers to focus more on business logic rather than database connectivity and query formation. The findBy() method, in particular, is a part of the repository layer in Spring Data JPA, enabling developers to construct queries simply by defining method signatures in interface definitions....
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How to Make a Project Using Spring Boot, MySQL, Spring Data JPA, and Maven?
For the sample project, below mentioned tools got used...
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JPA – Cascading Operations
In Java, JPA is defined as Java Persistence API, which simplifies the process of managing relational data in Java applications. One of the key features of the JPA is Cascading Operations, which allow the propagation of state changes from one entity to the related entities of the JPA application....
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Spring Data JPA – Delete Records From MySQL
Spring Boot is built on the top of the spring and contains all the features of spring...
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What is Spring Data JPA?
JPA is a Java specification(Jakarta Persistence API) and it manages relational data in Java applications. To access and persist data between Java object(Plain Old Java object)/ class and relational database, we can use JPA. Upon  Object-Relation Mapping (ORM), it follows the mechanisms. It has the runtime EntityManager API and it is responsible for processing queries and transactions on the Java objects against the database. The main highlight is it uses JPQL (Java Persistent Query Language) which is platform-independent. JPA mainly covers persistence in terms of...
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Spring Data JDBC Extensions
In this article, We will explore the realm of Spring Data JDBC extensions. Discover how they enhance the functionalities of the Spring Data JDBC module. These extensions offer a range of tools that enable developers to handle database interactions, with skill-making tasks, like simplifying queries enhancing security, and optimizing performance manageable....
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Show SQL from Spring Data JPA/Hibernate in Spring Boot
In Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA is part of the larger Spring Data Project that can simplify the development of the data access layers in the spring applications using the Java Persistence API and it can provide a higher-level abstraction over the JPA API. It can reduce the boilerplate code and make it easier to work with the database....
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Spring @Primary Annotation
@Primary annotation in Spring is used to indicate the primary bean when multiple beans of the same type are present for auto wiring. When multiple beans are eligible for auto wiring the @Primary annotation will help to determine which bean should be given preference....
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