Python Dictionary Methods
Python dictionary methods is collection of Python functions that operates on Dictionary....
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How to install Pandas package in Julia?
Julia is a very new and fast high-level programming language and has the power to compete with python. Like python, Julia is also compatible to do machine learning and data analysis part. In this tutorial, we will learn about how to install pandas and use it in our Julia environment....
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How to Install Julia on openSUSE?
Julia is an open-source, compiled, high-level, a dynamic programming language designed to give users the speed of C/C++ while remaining as easy to use as Python. It was originally intended for numerical/technical computing. It is not object-oriented in the full sense because you cannot attach methods to Julia’s objects (“types”), and It is not a very difficult language to learn....
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How to use Printf in Julia?
In Julia, printf is not a built-in function but a macro provided by the Printf module of Julia’s standard library. This macro allows you to format strings similarly to the C programming language’s printf function. The Printf.@printf macro takes a format string followed by zero or more arguments and outputs a formatted string to the standard output....
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Cell Arrays in Julia
Cell array is an abstract data type with indexed data containers called cells, where each cell can contain any type of data. It is normally used in Matlab to store data.Coming to Julia, one of the magical things about Julia is its type system. It is a strictly typed language. In Julia, arrays can contain values of homogeneous [1, 2, 3] or heterogeneous types [1, 2.5, “3”]. Julia will try to promote the values to a common concrete type by default. If Julia can not promote the types contained, the resulting array would be of the abstract type Any.Examples:...
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Julia vs. Java
What is Java? Java is one of the most popular and widely used programming language and platform. A platform is an environment that helps to develop and run programs written in any programming language. Julia is a high level, high performance, dynamic programming language. In this article, the difference between both languages is discussed....
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Opening and Reading a File in Julia
File handling in Julia is achieved using functions such as open(), read(), and close(). There are many ways to read the contents of a file like readline(), readlines() and just read()....
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Random Numbers Ecosystem in Julia – The Pseudo Side
When we talk of randomness in general, it’s not something that shouldn’t possess repetition, it is something that outputs data that is unpredictable....
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Learn Programming Languages- List of Top 11 Programming Languages
In this rapidly growing world, programming languages are also rapidly expanding, and it is very hard to determine the exact number of programming languages. It is an essential part of software development because it creates a communication bridge between humans and computers. Now, if you are a beginner who wants to learn, search the internet, you will find a number of programming language lists, making it difficult to decide which one is best for a given project....
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Characters in Julia
Julia is a dynamic, high-level programming language with high performance and speed that is used to perform operations in scientific computing. It is great for computational complex problems. It is an open-source language so all source code is available easily online....
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Taking Input from Users in Julia
Reading user input is a way of interaction between the program and the user. User inputs are necessary in case of testing a piece of code with varying and legitimate inputs....
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How to work with Julia on Jupyter Notebook?
Julia is a programming language that uses multiple dispatches as a feature where a method or a function can be dynamically dispatched based on the requirement. It is a high performance and a dynamic language which makes it user-interactive. It has a high-level syntax which makes it easy to learn and use for the beginner to expert level programmers. Julia is open-source, so anyone can use it for free....
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