Kubernetes – Volumes
Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration tool developed by Google. It is primarily employed to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of software. In short, Kubernetes is termed as K8s. Kubernetes is currently maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Although it now supports both containerd and CRI-O in addition to the Docker runtime Engine with which it was first intended to communicate. Automating the operations of container management is Kubernetes’ primary goal. It has built-in commands for application deployment and rolling out necessary modifications to the application. Companies like Google, Spotify, and Capital One are now using it....
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Difference Between Kubernetes And Docker Swarm
Containers are brilliant at packaging and holding all application codes, dependencies, libraries, and necessary configurations in a way that you can run them anywhere easily. But the problem arises from the fact that containers themselves cannot do things like load balancing, provisioning hosts, distributing containers across multiple servers, scaling up and down of a cluster, etc. So the concept of containerization platforms comes into the picture....
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Kubernetes – Creating Multiple Container in a Pod
Pre-requisite:- Kubernetes...
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Kubernetes – Images
Pre-requisite:- Kubernetes...
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How To kubectl Exec Into Pod?
To run a command within a container that is already executing inside a pod, use the command “kubectl exec into pod.” This feature helps with debugging, troubleshooting, and administrative chores in the containerized environment....
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What Are The Kubernetes Deployment Stratagies ?
Traditionally, applications used to be deployed on the Physical Servers. However, it was not very efficient as multiple instances of the applications running on the server used to consume a lot of resources. Although Virtual Machines running on the Servers tried to solve the issue, resource allocation and slow boot times were still problems. Due to this, Containerization Technologies like Kubernetes came into the picture....
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Kubernetes – Injecting ConfigMap in Pods
Pre-requisite: Kubernetes...
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Kubernetes – Kubectl Commands
Pre-requisites: Kubernetes...
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What is Kubernetes Blue Green Deployment?
Blue-green deployment is a software deployment strategy that involves running two identical production environments, known as “blue” and “green.” At any given time, only one of these environments serves live traffic, while the other remains idle or serves only non-production traffic (e.g., testing or staging)....
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How to Deploy Kubernetes on AWS?
Kubernetes, the open-supply box orchestration platform, has emerge as the solution for dealing with containerized applications. When it comes to deploying Kubernetes at the cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS) gives a robust and scalable environment. In this manual, we can walk you through the manner of deploying Kubernetes on AWS step by step....
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How To Use Kubernetes Network Policies?
Kubernetes is the kind of container-centric management software used for the deployment and operation of cont energized applications. It was originally developed by google clouds. It improves your reliability and reduces the time, workload and provides developers resources attributes to daily operations. It allows you to scale up and down your application....
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Kubernetes – Taint and Toleration
A pod is a group of one or more containers and is the smallest deployable unit in Kubernetes.  A node is a representation of a single machine in a cluster (we can simply view these machines as a set of CPU and RAM). A node can be a virtual machine, a physical machine in a data center hosted on a cloud provider like Azure....
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