Moment.js Hijri Calendar Plugin
In this article, we will learn about moment-hijri, a moment.js plugin....
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Moment.js Date Ranges Plugin
The Date Ranges Plugin is a moment.js plugin that can be used when working with date ranges is necessary....
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Moment.js Precise Range Plugin
MomentJS is a JavaScript library that helps parsing, validating, manipulating and displaying date/time in JavaScript in a very easy way. This chapter will provide an overview of MomentJS and discusses its features in detail. Moment JS allows displaying of date as per localization and in human-readable format....
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Moment.js Duration Format Plugin
The Duration plugin makes it possible to add a lot of formatting options to Moment Durations of the Moment.js JavaScript date library. This will make it possible to describe a duration as required by the user....
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Moment.js Java DateFormat Parser Plugin
Moment.js is a JavaScript library that helps parse, validate, manipulate, and display date/time in JavaScript in a very easy way. It also allows displaying of dates as per localization and in a human-readable format....
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Moment.js Timer Plugin
The Moment.js Timer Plugin is used for the creation of timers. It is an improvement over JavaScript’s native timer. Essentially, it is a rewriting of the setInterval and setTimeout methods. It provides a list of functions concerned with creating and managing timers on top of moment duration objects....
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Moment.js Parse Date Format Plugin
Parse Date Format is a moment.js plugin to can be used to extract a date/time string’s format from a given string. This format can then be later used with other Moment methods....
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Moment.js Recur Plugin
The Recur plugin is used when one wants to work with recurring dates. This plugin makes it possible to construct length-based intervals (days, weeks, etc.) and calendar-based intervals with this plugin (daysOfMonth, monthsOfYear, etc.)....
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Moment.js Business Plugin
Using the Moment.js Business plugin, you can use Moment for workweeks that follow the Western calendar: 7-day workweeks with Saturday and Sunday off. It provides a list of functions to identify weekdays, weekends, etc....
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Moment.js Strftime Plugin
Moment.js supports a general date format syntax that everyone commonly uses. However, it does not have support for Unix-style strftime which is found in generally many libraries except Javascript. The moment-strftime is a plugin for Moment.js that adds this strftime method to be used with all the other functions....
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Moment.js MSDate Plugin
Moment.js MSDate Plugin is an easy-to-use plugin that allows you to parse OLE Automation dates into Moment.js date objects and vice versa. An OLE Automation date is a fractional value that consists of the number of days before or after the midnight of 30 December 1899 and the time of the day divided by 24....
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Moment.js German Holiday (Feiertag) Plugin
In this article, we will learn about moment-feiertage, a moment.js plugin....
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