Node.js url.parse(urlString, parseQueryString, slashesDenoteHost) API
The url.parse() method takes a URL string, parses it, and it will return a URL object with each part of the address as properties....
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Node.js URL() Method
The ‘url’ module provides utilities for URL resolution and parsing. The getters and setters implement the properties of URL objects on the class prototype, and the URL class is available on the global object....
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Node.js URL.port API
The url.port is an inbuilt application programming interface of class URL within url module which is used to get and set the port portion of the URL.the port value may be a number or a string containing a number in the range 0 to 65535 (inclusive). Setting the value to the default port of the URL objects given protocol will result in the port value becoming the empty string (”). The port value can be an empty string in which case the port depends on the protocol/scheme:...
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Node.js URL.fileURLToPath API
This URL.fileURLToPath function decodes the file URL to a path string and ensures that the URL control characters (/, %) are correctly appended/adjusted when converting the given file URL into a path....
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Node.js URL.format(urlObject) API
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Node.js URL.hash API
The url.hash is an inbuilt application programming interface of class URL within url module which is used to get and set the fragment portion of the URL....
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Node.js URLSearchParams.delete()
In URLSearchParams interface, the delete() method deletes the parameter specified by user and all its associated values....
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Node.js URL.resolve(from,to) API
The url.resolve(from, to) is inbuilt method of class URL that resolves a target URL relative to a base URL....
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Node.js URLSearchParams.entries()
In the URLSearchParams interface, the entries() method returns an iterator that allows iterating through all the key/value pairs present in the object. The key/value is USVString objects....
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Node.js URL.href API
The url.href is an inbuilt application programming interface of class URL with in the url module which Gets and sets the serialized URL. Getting the value of the href property is equivalent to calling the url.toString() method.Setting the value of this property to a new value is equivalent to creating a new URL object using new URL(value). Each of the URL object’s properties will be modified....
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Node.js URL.hostname API
The url.hostname is an inbuilt application programming interface of class URL with in url module which is used to get and set the hostname portion of the URL. The key difference between and url.hostname is that url.hostname does not include the port....
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Node.js URL Complete Reference
The ‘url’ module provides utilities for URL resolution and parsing. The getters and setters implement the properties of URL objects on the class prototype, and the URL class is available on the global object....
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