Node.js Date.format() API
The date-and-time.Date.format() is a minimalist collection of functions for manipulating JS date and time module which is used to format the date according to a certain pattern....
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Types of API functions in Node.js
Node.js, known for its asynchronous and event-driven architecture, is a popular choice for building scalable server-side applications. One of its primary uses is to create and manage APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). APIs allow different software systems to communicate and share data with each other. In Node.js, API functions can be categorized based on their nature, usage, and the type of data they handle. This article explores various types of API functions in Node.js, providing insights into their functionalities and use cases....
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Stock Market API Integration in Node.js
In this article, we are going to build a simple web application, in which we would learn how we can integrate a simple API with NodeJS and fetch data from the server using that API....
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How to build Node.js Blog API ?
In this article, we are going to create a blog API using Node.js. A Blog API is an API by which users can fetch blogs, write blogs to the server, delete blogs, and even filter blogs with various parameters....
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Node.js Date.isValid() API
The date-and-time.Date.isValid() is a minimalist collection of functions for manipulating JS date and time module which is used to validate the particular date and time with its string format....
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Node.js Date.addDays() API
The date-and-time.Date.addDays() is a minimalist collection of functions for manipulating JS date and time module which is used to add the extra Days to the existing date and time....
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Node.js Date.parse() API
The date-and-time.Date.parse() is a minimalist collection of functions for manipulating JS date and time module which is used to parse the date according to a certain pattern....
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Deploy Serverless Express Application to Vercel
Vercel is a serverless cloud-based hosting solution to host front-end and serverless applications. Express is a Node.JS framework and deploying serverless express application aids cost-cutting to nearly zero. Although the traditional way of deploying to the server is expensive and there is a limit on API calls plus you may need backend developers when the product is  Scaled to a higher level. Therefore, we must learn how to deploy the serverless express application to Vercel....
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Node.js Date.addHours() API
The date-and-time.Date.addHours() is a minimalist collection of functions for manipulating JS date and time module which is used to add the extra Hours to the existing date and time....
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Node.js http.ClientRequest.getHeader() API
The http.ClientRequest.getHeader() is  an inbuilt application programming interface of class ClientRequest within http module which is used to get the header object of the particular header name....
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Node.js Date.addMonths() API
The date-and-time.Date.addMonths() is a minimalist collection of functions for manipulating JS date and time module which is used to add the extra Month to the existing date and time....
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Node.js date-and-time Date.isLeapYear() Method
The date-and-time.Date.isLeapYear() is a minimalist collection of functions for manipulating JS date and time module which is used to check if the given year is a leap year or not....
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