PHP | Ds\Map map() Function
The Ds\Map::map() function of the Map class in PHP is used to apply a callback function to a Map object. This returns the result of applying the callback function to each value present on the map. The function does not update the values in the original map, instead, it just returns the result of the updates without affecting the original values....
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PHP Ds\Map Functions Complete Reference
A Map is a sequential collection of key-value pair which is very similar to the array. The key of a map can be of any type and it is unique. If any value added to the same key in a Map then the map value will replace. It is the efficient Data Structure in PHP 7 to provide the alternative of an array....
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PHP | Ds\Map remove() Function
The Ds\Map::remove() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to remove and return a value by key....
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PHP | Ds\Deque allocate() Function
The Ds\Deque::allocate() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to allocate memory as specified in the argument. If the argument is not defined, then the Deque of default size will be created....
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PHP | Ds\Map skip() Function
The Ds\Map::skip() function is an inbuilt function in PHP, which is used to return the pair at a given positional index....
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PHP | Ds\Map hasValue() Function
The Ds\Map::hasValue() function in PHP is used to check whether a given Value is present in the Map object or not. It accepts the value to be checked as a parameter and return True if the given Value is present in the Map otherwise it returns False....
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PHP | Ds\Map sort() Function
The Ds\Map::sort() function of DS\Map class in PHP is used to in-place sort the elements of a specified Map instance according to the values. By default, the Map is sorted according to the increasing order of the values....
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PHP | Ds\Map first() Function
The Ds\Map::first() function of PHP Ds\Map class is used to get the first key-value pair from the Map instance....
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PHP | Ds\Map count() Function
The Ds\Map::count() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to count the number of elements present in the Map. It also referred to the size of the Map....
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PHP | DS\Map clear() Function
The DS\Map::clear() function of the Map class in PHP is used to clear a Map object. That is it deletes all of the values from a given Map object. It does not delete the Map, it just removes all of the values from the Map object....
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PHP | Ds\Map put() Function
The Ds\Map::put() function is an inbuilt function in PHP, which is used to associates a key with a value....
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PHP | Ds\Map diff() Function
The Ds\Map::diff() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to create a map using the key which contains the elements of the first map which are not present in another map. Syntax:...
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