Differences between Functional Components and Class Components
In this article, we will learn about the differences between functional and class components in React with the help of an example. We will create a counter and implement it using both class and functional components to understand the differences practically....
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ReactJS Functional Components
Functional Component is one way to create components in a React Application. React.js Functional Components helps to create UI components in a Functional and more concise way. In this article, we will learn about functional components in React, different ways to call the functional component, and also learn how to create the functional components. We will also demonstrate the use of hooks in functional components...
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React Importing and Exporting Components
React Importing and Exporting Components are two major operations that enable the re-use of the components to create a collection of components and hence a complete application....
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React Components
Components in React serve as independent and reusable code blocks for UI elements. They represent different parts of a web page and contain both structure and behavior. They are similar to JavaScript functions and make creating and managing complex user interfaces easier by breaking them down into smaller, reusable pieces....
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React Class Components
Class Components are the reusable code blocks or classes that extends the React.Component. React class components are the backbone of most modern web applications built using React JS. In this article, we’ll learn what class components are, their advantages, how to manage the state and events of the application and how to use them effectively....
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React JS Component Composition
Component composition in React involves the inclusion of one or more components in a single component, where each sub-component can further consist of additional components. Components in React are building blocks that are used to create user interfaces (UIs)....
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Implement Drag and Drop using React Component
To add drag and drop functionality in your React application, you can use libraries like “react-beautiful-dnd” or “react-dnd”. These libraries provide components and hooks that simplify the process of creating draggable and droppable elements in your UI. By wrapping your draggable items with the appropriate components and defining drag-and-drop behaviour using event handlers, you can enable users to interact with elements by dragging and dropping them across different parts of your application. In this tutorial, we will discuss how to implement drag-and-drop functionality using React components....
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How to use Higher-Order Components in React ?
Higher-Order Component is an advanced function, which reuses component logic in a React Component and returns an enhanced new component. It wraps commonly used processes to allow their use by different components, such as state modification or props change. Components are wrapped in HOCs, whose goal is to improve them without changing their original constructions. In React applications, they serve code reusability and abstraction purposes. To compose related components, HOCs are powerful tools....
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React JS Component Composition and Nested Components
React JS Component Composition allows you to build complex UIs by combining smaller, reusable components. Nested Components refer to components that are used within other components, enabling a modular and structured approach to building React applications....
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How does React.memo() optimize functional components in React?
React.memo() is a higher-order component provided by React that can help optimize functional components by reducing unnecessary re-renders....
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How to create a Functional Component in React?
To create a functional component in React, you define a JavaScript function that returns JSX. These components are stateless and rely on props for data input....
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Different ways to access props inside a Component in React
The props keyword is the shorthand for properties. It is one of the most important features of React which helps in effective communication between various React components. It is a read-only attribute for passing data from the parent component to the child component. There are various ways to access props inside a component....
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