Python vs Other Programming Languages
Python is a general-purpose, high level programming language developed by Guido van Rossum in 1991. It was structured with an accentuation on code comprehensibility, and its syntax allows programmers to express their concepts in fewer lines of code which makes it the fastest-growing programming language in current times....
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How to Implement PostgreSQL Database in Rails Application?
In this article, we are going to look into the implementation of PostgreSQL in a rails application. As we know that database is a very important part of any web application that’s why today modern web applications like Flipkart, Amazon, Netflix all the websites are use database....
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Difference between Node.js and Ruby on Rails
Before stepping into a new project, the software developing team goes through a severe discussion in order to choose the best language, framework, or methodology for their project. As we are aware, the different technologies have their different pros and cons and similarly the technology which is looking vibrant for one project might be lacking for others. That’s why declaring a specific one worthless wouldn’t be justifiable....
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Difference Between Laravel and Ruby on Rails
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JavaScript or Ruby – Which is Best for Beginners ?
There are many languages that are quite popular in the market and are widely used such as Python, Go, Java, Ruby, PHP, Kotlin, and many more. In this article, we will learn about Ruby which is a purely object-oriented, and general-purpose programming language JavaScript which is a high-level scripting language, its features, advantages, and disadvantages, and their differences....
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BEGIN and END Blocks In Ruby
Every Ruby source file can run as the BEGIN blocks when the file is being loaded and runs the END blocks after the program has finished executing. The BEGIN and END statements are different from each other. A program may contain multiple BEGIN and END blocks. If there is more than one BEGIN statement in a program, they are executed in the order If there is more than one END statement, they are executed in the reverse of the order. the first END one is executed last. An open curly brace always come after BEGIN and END keyword. Syntax:...
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How to Remove Empty String from Array in Ruby?
In this article, we will learn how to remove empty strings from an array in Ruby. We can remove empty strings from an array in Ruby using various methods....
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How to Implement Graph in Ruby?
Graphs are basic data structures that represent the connections between different items. They are made up of edges (links) that show the connections between the entities and vertices (nodes) that represent the entities themselves. Numerous applications, such as social networks, navigation systems, routing algorithms, scheduling issues, and more, heavily rely on graphs....
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Similarities and Differences between Ruby and C++
There are many similarities between C++ and Ruby, some of them are: Just like C++, in Ruby…...
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Ruby | Method overriding
Method is a collection of statements that perform some specific task and return the result. Override means two methods having same name but doing different tasks. It means that one of the methods overrides another method. If there is any method in the superclass and a method with the same name in its subclass, then by executing these methods, method of the corresponding class will be executed. Example :...
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Ruby Mixins
Before studying about Ruby Mixins, we should have the knowledge about Object Oriented Concepts. If we don’t, go through Object Oriented Concepts in Ruby . When a class can inherit features from more than one parent class, the class is supposed to have multiple inheritance. But Ruby does not support multiple inheritance directly and instead uses a facility called mixin. Mixins in Ruby allows modules to access instance methods of another one using include method. Mixins provides a controlled way of adding functionality to classes. The code in the mixin starts to interact with code in the class. In Ruby, a code wrapped up in a module is called mixins that a class can include or extend. A class consist many mixins....
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How to parse XML in Ruby?
XML – Extensible Markup Language is used format on the platform for exchanging data and storing data on the web. Ruby, consists of a huge number of libraries and its syntax is flexible does provides several methods for parsing XML documents easily. In this article, we will look into various methods to parse XML in Ruby with its various libraries and techniques....
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