How to get started with DSA for FrontEnd Developer Interview?
Data Structures and Algorithms are fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science. One Should have Fundamental knowledge of some basic Data structures and Algorithms and Problem-solving when preparing for a FrontEnd Developer Interview. A foundational knowledge of DSA means understanding the fundamental concepts and principles of Data Structures and Algorithms....
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How to Install Tor Browser on Kali Linux? [2024]
The Tor browser provides a simple yet powerful way to access the internet anonymously and bypass censorship. Setting it up on Kali Linux requires just a few easy terminal commands to add the Tor Project repository and install the Tor packages. Once installed, the browser can be launched through the dedicated torbrowser script....
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How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing the Business Landscape?
Irrespective of what you believe, your life is being ruled by autonomous Artificial Intelligence (AI). Right from your rideshares (Uber or Ola), autopilots in commercial flights, face detection & recognition technology, filtering of spam in emails, Robo readers to check plagiarism, social networking, to banking and financing – AI is refining the quality of digital lifestyle....
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Top 10 JavaScript Libraries for Creating Interactive Maps
Have you ever been curious about how to make those extraordinary maps on websites that you can tap and interact with? It is all about using JavaScript libraries. Nowadays, maps are a core part of web development, offering clients responsive ways to explore and interact with information....
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How to Start Blog Writing in 2024 [Updated]
Content writing or Blog Writing is gaining popularity these days, and the idea of starting a blog will put you one step ahead. As the world is evolving, people need to learn a lot. Writing a detailed blog on a specified topic that a reader understands is a never-ending demand in this world. Blog writing doesn’t have to be confined to a particular person; it can be written by anyone from any department, in any kind of environment....
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ChatGPT vs. BlenderBot: Which AI Tool Delivers Smarter Conversations?
Artificial intelligence (AI), by overcoming ongoing challenges and entering the creative world, has changed the way creative professionals approach content alterations in today’s digital environment. Out of all the AI technologies available, two widely used platforms – ChatGPT and BlenderBot – are well known for their capacity to create excellent and detailed work....
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How to Use ChatGPT Canva Plugin to Up Your Social Media Game
OpenAI has added many new plugins to improve the user experience and make it more meaningful. In the digital landscape era, a fusion is required between Canva and ChatGPT to create visual wonders, and this is available in ChatGPT Canva plugin form....
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Find the maximum sum path in the given Matrix
Consider an infinite matrix. The cells of the matrix are filled with natural numbers from the cell (1, 1) in the direction of top right to bottom left diagonally. Then the task is to output the Maximum path sum between two points (X1, Y1) and (X2, Y2)....
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What is the Uncanny Valley?
The uncanny valley refers to the uneasy or negative reaction people have towards humanoid robots or digital avatars that appear almost, but not exactly, like real humans. This phenomenon is particularly noticeable as robots, avatars, and animations strive for hyperrealism but fall into a disturbing gap that’s been termed the uncanny valley. They look incredibly lifelike, yet upon closer inspection, it’s clear they aren’t human. Encountering a representation in this valley often triggers feelings of weirdness, discomfort, or disgust....
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What is a Local Drive? Working and Advantages
A local drive is a physical device installed in your computer that stores and retrieves data. It provides long-term storage for files, documents, applications, and operating systems. Local drives provide a reliable and convenient way to store and access data on a device. They are commonly used for storing the operating system, applications, and personal files....
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50+ Best Knock Knock Jokes in 2024 [Funniest]
Funny knock knock jokes have been making people laugh for a long time, no matter how old they are. Both kids and adults find amusement in a good one. Sure, the top knock knock jokes might be a bit cheesy, but that adds to their charm. Since great ones have a few steps, it can be hard to keep them in mind, especially for children. That’s why we gathered some of the finest knock knock jokes specifically for kids....
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10 AI Tools for Stock Trading & Price Predictions
Artificial intelligence is being used greater regularly in stock trading and analysis. AI algorithms can quickly examine big quantities of monetary records to discover styles and make predictions about stock performance. This can help buyers discover promising investment opportunities and make extra knowledgeable buying and selling decisions....
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