How to Design Flat Shading Graphics using p5.js ?
Flat shading is a lighting technique used in 3D computer graphics to shade each polygon of an object based on the angle between the polygon’s surface normal and the direction of the light source, their respective colors and the intensity of the light source....
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Difference between HDMI and VGA
1. HDMI : HDMI stands for High-Definition Multimedia Interface. Through this, audio and video are simultaneously transmitted by cable. It combines audio and video into a single digital interface in DTV player, DVD player, HDTVs, set-top box and other audiovisual devices. It is the core technology of High bandwidth digital content core protection and digital visual interface. It is the core technology of High bandwidth digital content core protection and digital visual interface....
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C program to draw a football ground using computer graphics
In this article, we will discuss how to design a 2D football ground using computer graphics....
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C program to design a hot air balloon using graphics
In this article, we will discuss how to design a Hot Air Balloon in the C using Graphics....
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Linde-Buzo-Gray (LBG) Algorithm
Linde-Buzo-Gray (LBG) Algorithm is used for designing of Codebook efficiently which has minimum distortion and error....
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Difference between Active Matrix LCD and Passive Matrix LCD
1. Passive Matrix LCD: It uses a grid of vertical and horizontal conductors comprised of Indium Tin Oxide to create an image. Each pixel is controlled by an intersection of two conductors. It represents the off state of LCD i.e the pixel is OFF....
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Phong Shading Computer Graphics
Phong shading is a more accurate interpolation-based approach that can be used for rendering a polygon. It was developed by Phong Bui Tuong.It improves upon the Gourand Shading and provides a better approximation of the shading of any smooth surface. It interpolates the normal vector instead of the intensity values....
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C program to draw Eiffel Tower using computer graphics
In C graphics, the graphics.h functions are used to draw different shapes like circles, rectangles, etc, display text(any message) in a different format (different fonts and colors). By using graphics.h one can make programs, animations, and also games....
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Program to draw India Gate using computer graphics in C
In C graphics, the graphics.h functions are used to draw different shapes like circles, rectangles, etc, display text(any message) in a different format (different fonts and colors). By using graphics.h one can make programs, animations, and also games....
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Scan conversion methods of circle and circle generation algorithms
Scan conversion of circle :...
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C program to draw a cricket ground using computer graphics
In this article, we will discuss how to draw a 2D cricket ground is being designed using computer graphics....
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C program to display the animated firecrackers with a message using graphics
In this article, we will discuss how to draw the Rocket using Graphics....
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