All reverse permutations of an array using STL in C++
Given an array, the task is to print or display all the reverse permutations of this array using STL in C++. Reverse permutation means, for an array {1, 2, 3}:...
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How to Copy a Vector to an Array in C++?
In C++, vectors are dynamic arrays that can grow and reduce in size as per requirements. Sometimes, we may need to copy the contents of a vector to the POD array. In this article, we will learn how to copy a vector to an array in C++....
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C++ Omit Array Size
Prerequisite: Array in C++...
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How to Find the Cumulative Sum of Array in C++?
In C++, the cumulative sum, also known as the prefix sum of an array is the sum of all elements of the array at the current index including the sum of the previous elements. In this article, we will learn how to find the prefix sum of elements in an array in C++....
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How to Add an Element at the Beginning of an Array in C++?
In C++, arrays are static data structures with a fixed size, hence directly adding new elements at the front or middle is not supported in C++ like any other dynamic data structure. In this article, we will learn how we can add an element at the beginning of an array in C++....
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Pass Array to Functions in C
In C, the whole array cannot be passed as an argument to a function. However, you can pass a pointer to an array without an index by specifying the array’s name....
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Advantages of vector over array in C++
We have already discussed arrays and vectors. In this post, we will discuss advantages of vector over normal array. Advantages of Vector over arrays :...
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What is the Max Array Length Limit in C++?
In C++, arrays are data structures that store data of the same type in continuous memory locations. However, when working with arrays, it’s important to be aware of certain limitations, including the maximum length of an array that can be declared. In this article, we will learn how we can find the maximum array length limit in C++...
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How to Dynamically Allocate an Array in C++?
In C++, dynamic memory allocation allows us to allocate memory during runtime. Dynamic allocation in an array is particularly useful when the size of an array is not known at compile time and needs to be specified during runtime. In this article, we will learn how to dynamically allocate an array in C++....
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How to Find the Size of an Array Using Pointer to its First Element?
In C++, arrays are plain old data types that do not have any associated functions to find their size. In this article, we will discuss how we can determine the size of the array in C++ using the pointer to its first element....
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How to Create a Deque of Arrays in C++?
In C++, a deque (double-ended queue) is a data structure that allows insertion and deletion at both ends whereas arrays are fixed-size collections of elements. In this article, we will learn how to create a deque of arrays in C++ STL....
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How to Create a Vector of Arrays in C++?
In C++, an array is a collection of elements of a single type while vectors are dynamic arrays as they can change their size during the insertion and deletion of elements. In this article, we will learn how to create a vector of arrays in C++....
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