HTML Entity Parser
Given a string str which has various HTML Entities in it, the task is to replace these entities with their corresponding special character....
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Count of elements not divisible by any other elements of Array
Given an array arr[], the task is to determine the number of elements of the array which are not divisible by any other element in the given array. Examples:...
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How to Find First Key-Value Pair in a Map in C++?
In C++ STL, a map is a container that stores key-value pairs in an ordered or sorted manner. In this article, we will learn how to find the first key-value pair in a Map....
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Length of the longest subarray whose Bitwise XOR is K
Given an array arr[] of size N and an integer K, the task is to find the length of the longest subarray having Bitwise XOR of all its elements equal to K....
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How to Access Value in a Map Using Iterator in C++?
In C++, a map is a container that stores elements in the form of a key value and a mapped value pair. In this article, we will learn how to access a value in a map using an iterator in C++....
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Find frequency of each character with positions in given Array of Strings
Given an array, arr[] consisting of N strings where each character of the string is lower case English alphabet, the task is to store and print the occurrence of every distinct character in every string....
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Partition string into two substrings having maximum number of common non-repeating characters
Given a string str, the task is to find the maximum count of common non-repeating characters that can be obtained by partitioning the given string into two non-empty substrings....
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Important functions of STL Components in C++
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Get Map Element at Offset in C++ STL
Prerequisites: Map in C++ STL...
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Which data structure is used by Map?
What is a Map?...
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Longest Common Subsequence of two arrays out of which one array consists of distinct elements only
Given two arrays firstArr[], consisting of distinct elements only, and secondArr[], the task is to find the length of LCS between these 2 arrays....
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Count of subarrays having sum equal to its length
Given an array arr[] of size N, the task is to find the number of subarrays having the sum of its elements equal to the number of elements in it....
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