Count of the non-prime divisors of a given number
Given a number N, the task is to find the count of non-prime divisors of the given number N....
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Find largest sum of digits in all divisors of n
Given an integer number n, find the largest sum of digits in all divisors of n....
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Count all pairs of divisors of a number N whose sum is coprime with N
Given an integer N, the task is to count all pairs of divisors of N such that the sum of each pair is coprime with N.Examples:...
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Minimum number of moves to make M and N equal by repeatedly adding any divisor of number to itself except 1 and the number
Given two numbers N and M, the task is to find the minimum number of moves to change N to M or -1 if it’s impossible. In one move, add to the current number any of its divisors not equal to 1 and the number itself....
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Java Program for Common Divisors of Two Numbers
Given two integer numbers, the task is to find the count of all common divisors of given numbers?...
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Find all factors of a Natural Number in sorted order
Given a natural number n, print all distinct divisors of it....
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Find all factors of a Natural Number
Given a natural number n, print all distinct divisors of it....
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Count number of integers less than or equal to N which has exactly 9 divisors
Given a number N(1<=N<=109), the task is to find the total number of integers less than equal to n which have exactly 9 divisors....
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Find numbers with n-divisors in a given range
Given three integers a, b, n .Your task is to print number of numbers between a and b including them also which have n-divisors. A number is called n-divisor if it has total n divisors including 1 and itself. Examples:...
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Sum of all divisors from 1 to n
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Total number of divisors for a given number
Given a positive integer n, we have to find the total number of divisors for n....
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Smallest integer which has n factors or more
Given n, find the smallest integer which has n factors or more. It may be assumed that the result is less than 1000001....
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