How to check if a browser tab is currently active or not ?
Sometimes we need to check if the current browser tab is active or not. When you open YouTube and watch a movie for a long in the browser then the auto screen timeout doesn’t work but when you open Facebook, after some time the screen turns off due to the screen timeout of the device. So how does YouTube know if a tab is active?...
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JavaScript Boolean Reference
JavaScript Boolean is a datatype that returns either true or false In JavaScript, a boolean is used as a function to get the value of a variable, object, conditions, expressions, etc in terms of true or false...
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JavaScript dataView.getInt16() Method
The Javascript dataView.getInt16() is an inbuilt function in dataView that is used to get a 16-bit integer at the specified location i.e, at byte offset from the start of the dataView. The range of 16-bit integer values is from 0 and 65,535 for unsigned and from ?32,768 to 32,767 for signed integer values.Syntax:...
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JavaScript DataView.getFloat32() Method
The dataView.getFloat32() is an inbuilt function in dataView that is used to get a 32-bit float at the specified location i.e, at byte offset from the start of the data view. The range of 32-bit floating-point numbers is from -3.4E+38 to +3.4E+38...
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JavaScript dataView.getUint32() Method
The dataView.getUint32() is an inbuilt function in dataView that is used to get an unsigned 32-bit integer at the specified location i.e, at byte offset from the start of the dataView....
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JavaScript dataView.setUint32() Method
The dataView.setUint32() is an inbuilt function in dataView which is used to store an unsigned 32-bit integer at the specified location i.e, at byte offset from the start of the dataView....
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JavaScript DataView.getFloat64() Method
The dataView.getFloat64() is an inbuilt function in dataView which is used to get a 64-bit float at the specified location i.e, at byte offset from the start of the dataview. The range of 64-bit floating-point number is form -1.7E+308 to +1.7E+308...
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JavaScript dataView.getInt32() Method
The dataView.getInt32() is an inbuilt function in dataView that is used to get a 32-bit integer at the specified location i.e, at byte offset from the start of the dataView. The range of 32-bit integer value is from 0 to 4,294,967,295 for unsigned and from 2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 for the signed integer value.Syntax:...
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JavaScript dataView.getUint8() Method
The dataView.getUint8() is an inbuilt function in dataView that is used to get an unsigned 8-bit integer at the specified location i.e, at byte offset from the start of the dataView....
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JavaScript dataView.getUint16() Method
The dataView.getUint16() is an inbuilt function in dataView that is used to get an unsigned 16-bit integer at the specified location i.e, at byte offset from the start of the dataView....
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JavaScript dataView.setInt32() Method
The dataView.setInt32() is an inbuilt function in dataView that is used to store a signed 32-bit integer at the specified location i.e, at byte offset from the start of the dataView....
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JavaScript dataView.setFloat32() Method
The dataView.setFloat32() is an inbuilt function in dataView that is used to store a signed 32-bit float value at the specified location i.e, at byte offset from the start of the dataView....
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