JavaScript program to find perimeter of a triangle
Given the side (a, b, c) of a triangle and we have to find the perimeter of a triangle....
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Altitude of largest Triangle that can be inscribed in a Rectangle
Given a rectangle of length L and breadth B, the task is to print the maximum integer altitude possible of the largest triangle that can be inscribed in it, such that the altitude of the triangle should be equal to half of the base....
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Count number of triangles possible with length of sides not exceeding N
Given an integer N, the task is to find the total number of right angled triangles that can be formed such that the length of any side of the triangle is at most N....
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Altitude of Triangle – Definition, Formulas, Examples, Properties
The Altitude of a triangle is the length of a straight line segment drawn from one of the triangle’s vertices (corners) perpendicular to the opposite side....
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Find other two sides and angles of a right angle triangle
Given one side of right angle triangle, check if there exists a right angle triangle possible with any other two sides of the triangle. If possible print length of the other two sides and all the angles of the triangle....
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Check if a right-angled triangle can be formed by moving any one of the coordinates
Given three coordinates of a triangle (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3). The task is to find out if the triangle can be transformed to a right-angled triangle by moving only one point exactly by the distance 1. If it is possible to make the triangle right-angled, then print “POSSIBLE”, else print “NOT POSSIBLE”. If the triangle is already right-angled, it should also be reported. Examples:...
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Forming triangles using points on a square
Given a square with N points on each side of the square and none of these points co-incide with the corners of the square. The task is to calculate the total number of triangles that can be formed using these 4 * N points (N points on each side of the square) as vertices of the triangle.Examples:...
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Number of triangles possible with given lengths of sticks which are powers of 2
Given an array of N integers where arr[i] denotes the number of sticks of length 2i. The task is to find the number of triangles possible with given lengths having area ? 0. Note: Every stick can only be used once....
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Count of ways to split N into Triplets forming a Triangle
Given an integer N, the task is to find the number of ways to split N into ordered triplets which can together form a triangle....
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Program To Check whether a Triangle is Equilateral, Isosceles or Scalene
Given three integers as X, Y, and Z representing the three sides of a triangle, the task is to check whether the triangle formed by the given sides is equilateral, isosceles, or scalene....
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Program to find the Radius of the incircle of the triangle
Given a circle which is the incircle of a triangle whose sides are a, b< and c, the task is to find the radius of this incircle....
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Maximum size of subset of given array such that a triangle can be formed by any three integers as the sides of the triangle
Given an array arr[] consisting of N integers, the task is to find the size of the largest subset of the array such that a triangle can be formed from any of the three integers of the subset as the sides of a triangle....
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