Target Corporation Interview Experience

I’m an EE student.

Pre Placement Talk :

There Will be a Pre Placement talk for about 50 min. They’ll talk about what their company is about and work culture, CTC and benefits, etc

If you are serious about the company you should pay attention to talk and try to note some points so that you can ask them in the interview. 

Screening Test :

The test is Conducted on AMCAT. There are three sections and a total of 90 min. 

First Section is Aptitude. They’ll give some paragraphs, you need to analyze them and mark the options that make more sense from the paragraph.

Second Section is Coding based: They’ll give some code snippets or some pseudo-code and ask to guess the output or spot the error or ask about the time complexity of the code. These 2 sections are easy and pretty straightforward. 

The third section is the actual Coding round: There are 2 questions of 60 min time limit. This is the section that decides whether you’ll be shortlisted or not.

Each person will get 2 different questions. Mine were,


In a city, there are few houses. Each House has a number along with the distance from the starting point of the city. we need to find the maximum place in-between two houses so that we can build the biggest house in the city.


the first line of the input contains N where N is the number of houses

next N  lines contain 2 integers house number and house distance respectively.


print the numbers of the houses in ascending order where we can build the biggest house.

if there are 2 such places, print the one closest to city reference point (i.e. 0)

Example :

input  :


3 7

1 9

2 0

5 15

4 30

output  :

4 5

Explanation:  4 and 5 are the houses with maximum place between them. 


Given a square matrix with entries just 0’s and 1’s, Output -1 If there are two 1’s that are right next to each other or on top of each other but not diagonal and output 1 otherwise.


first-line contains N, where N is the size of the matrix followed by N x N elements


see the question.

Example :

input  :


0 1 1 1


0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1

output :



Explanation:  In the first case matrix looks like this [0 1]  2,1 and 2,2 are side by side so the output is -1

                                                                                 [1 1]

in the second case [0 0 0], No one is side by side or on top of each other.

                              [0 1 0]

                              [1 0 1]

Round 2: Technical Interview

There is a Technical Interview online where 2 people take your interview for about 50 min. They’ll ask about

-> Projects in Your CV and explanation of how you did it.

-> Details about your intern and about your role in the internship. they might go into the technicalities of the intern or project, so, better be prepared. 

-> Technical Questions mainly on DMBS, SQL queries, knowledge in Data Structures is always advantageous, sorting algorithms, linear and binary searches, and of course Time Complexity

they ask you to write pseudocode and explain the logic with outputs in each iteration. they ask you time complexity every time and ask you to improve it

Some of the coding questions that I was asked are,

  • find a number in an array that might be sorted or unsorted, explain linear and binary search with this example
  • 2nd minimum in an unsorted array
  • given a number K find the two numbers that add up to K  in a given sorted array
  • write and SQL query to get the second highest salary from a table of employees

Unfortunately out of 8 people, I didn’t make it to the HR interview, 4 people made it to HR, and 3 got selected.

Thanks for reading.