Tata Consultancy Service Interview for Ninja (2021)

Round 1: TCS NQT (National Qualifier Test)

  1. Aptitude: Quant, Reasoning, Verbal (Medium – High Level)
  2. Coding: 2 Questions (Medium Level) – Any Languages


  • High Scores in Round -1 selected for Round -2 Digital offer.
  • Medium Scores in Round -1 selected for Round – 2 Ninja offer. 

Round 2: Technical + Managerial + Personal HR

  1. 3 HR were in round 2 to conduct the interview
  2. About Yourself
  3. Project explanation
  4. Which programming language familiar with – I said Python
  5. Append to strings
  6. Sort the array without the sort function
  7. Find the frequency of the element
  8. How data are stored?
  9. Swap the elements
  10. Dictionary syntax
  11. Are you willing to Relocate
  12. Are you ok with the night shift?
  13. Are you able to work on Saturday and Sunday?