Tata Consultancy Services Interview Experience For Research Intern

I had the opportunity to interview for the position of Research Intern at TCS Research. Here’s a detailed account of my experience:

The Process Begins

TCS Research reached out to the Training and Placement (T&P) cell of our college, requesting resumes from interested candidates. They shortlisted candidates based on their current research focus areas.

The Interview Call

I received an interview call through the college placement cell. The interview was conducted over MS Teams and lasted for almost an hour.

Interview Breakdown

Introduction and Resume Discussion:

The interview started with me introducing myself.

They then delved into my resume, focusing on the projects I had mentioned related to Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), Database Management Systems (DBMS), and Web Development.

Project Discussion:

  • I was asked to explain the logic behind each of my projects.
  • Specifically, they asked me to convert my DBMS project (a Blood Bank Management System) into an Object-Oriented Programming System (OOPS) design.
  • Similarly, they asked me to convert my DSA project (Pune Metro Travel using Dijkstra’s algorithm) into OOPS.
  • They were keen on understanding my thinking process and logic.

DSA Questions:

They asked about the differences between BFS (Breadth-First Search) and DFS (Depth-First Search), including which is better in certain situations and which is more memory efficient.

OOPS Questions:

Questions about the four pillars of OOPS (Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance, and Polymorphism) were asked.

Programming and DBMS Questions:

  • They asked some basic questions about programming languages.
  • They also asked about DBMS concepts such as schema, ACID properties, and the differences between SQL and NoSQL databases.

Until this point, the interview was going very well. They were impressed by my project logic and even suggested better approaches, which I appreciated and showed my commitment to continuous improvement.

Linux Questions

Since I had given a session on Linux in college, they asked questions about my experience with Linux. They were surprised to learn that I had been using Linux since the start of my second year. Questions included:

  • Windows vs. Linux
  • Common Linux commands
  • Shell scripts (although I wasn’t very strong in shell scripting, I explained the power and efficiency of shell scripts and how Linux can be customized).

Puzzle Question

At the end, they asked me a puzzle – the classic water jug problem. I initially got confused but eventually solved it, though I was a bit upset with myself for not solving it quickly.

Final Questions

Finally, they asked if I had any location constraints, as they were hiring for PAN India. I confirmed that I had no location constraints and was willing to relocate anywhere. They also asked if I had any questions for them.

Overall, the interview was a valuable learning experience, and I felt positive about the feedback and the opportunity to grow.
A total of 6 students were interviewed & 3 were provided with an offer.