TCL script to find sum of n natural numbers using looping statements

In this article, we will discuss the overview of TCL script and will cover the TCL script to find the sum of n natural numbers using looping statements with the help of an example. Let’s discuss it one by one.

Pre-requisite –
You can go through this article to understand a few basics through this link.

Overview :
We will understand the syntax of the while loop and for loop in Tool Command Language with a simple example. In this example, we will first use the while loop to find the sum of the first n natural numbers, and then we will see how to use for loop to accomplish the same. We will also compare the syntax with a familiar language to understand it better. 

While-loop implementation :
We will discuss the implementation steps as follows.

Step-1 :
The first step is to read a number from the user after prompting to do so. To read the number we use gets, and we use puts to give a prompt.

puts "Enter a number"
gets stdin b

Step-2 :
Our next step is to initialize the sum to 0 and the iteration variable, i to 0. After this, we can have the while loop implementation of the code.

set sum 0
set i 0
while {$i<=$b} {
 set sum [expr $sum+$i]
 incr i

Note – 
The syntax of the while loop must be exactly as shown above. If you neglect the spaces or type the opening curly brace in a new line, the result will be an error.

Step-3 :
The implementation of the while loop specified above would like the following in C programming as follows. 


Step-4 :
Finally, the whole code and output are as follows.
Code –

puts "Enter a number"
gets stdin b
set sum 0
set i 0
while {$i<=$b} {
 set sum [expr $sum+$i]
 incr i
puts "The sum of first $b natural numbers is $sum"

Output :

For-loop implementation :
We will discuss the implementation steps as follows.

Step-1 :
The first 2 lines of code are the same as in the while loop. So, let’s look at the for loop implementation part.

set sum 0
for {set i 1} {$i<=$b} {incr i} {
set sum [expr $sum+$i]

Note – 
The syntax of for loop must be exactly as shown above. If you neglect the spaces or type the opening curly brace in a new line, the result will be an error.

Step-2 :
The implementation of the for loop specified above would like the following in C programming as follows.


Step-3 :
Finally, let’s view the entire code and its output as follows.
Code –

puts "Enter a number"
gets stdin b
set sum 0
for {set i 1} {$i<=$b} {incr i} {
set sum [expr $sum+$i]
puts "The sum of first $b natural numbers is $sum"

Output :