TCS CodeVita 2020 Interview Experience (Digital Offer)

Round 1(online coding): The first round was named as the Pre-Qualifier zonal round. It is a 6 hours long coding round where you have to solve at least one code correctly which can get you through this round. Mine was zone 2(Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi). I got my zonal window from 3:00 pm IST, 15th August to 3:00 pm IST, 16th August. Before this round, TCS arranges 2 mock tests where basically the questions were from the last seasons of codevita to get people to familiarize themselves with the test environment. And they have a strong plagiarism checker, so refrain from copying any code from anywhere.

I started at 4:00 pm and took my 6 hours window Up to 10 pm. This year the question standards were much higher compared to the previous seasons of Codevita. The submission graph was showing very less successful submissions. Note that the questions having the least index number get the least weightage. So question 1 has the least weightage and question 6 has the highest weightage.

After waiting for 2 weeks, we finally got our results and I got a rank of around 2XXX and was selected for the next round.

Round 2(Technical Interview): On 10th September I was intimidated by mail that my interview was scheduled on the 12th of September, Saturday. As we were in the pandemic lockdown so it was all virtual. I was instructed that I have to be ready from 10 am IST that day and I could get a call anytime in the day post which I need to join their VC link within 15 mins.

On the day of the interview after waiting for around 3 hours, I finally got a call from HR but mistakenly she was calling some other guy named Rakesh. Here’s the phone call conversation:

HR: Hello Rakesh

Me: No ma’am, I am Sayak.

HR: (After taking a bit) Ok Sayak, you join for the interview.

Me: Ok ma’am, I am joining in 5 minutes!

HR: No join in 2 mins.

Me: Ok ma’am.

After that, I entered, and I was redirected to a different set of panelists other than those mentioned in my email earlier. Anyway, I entered and there were 2 panelists and the HR who called me. I would address the 2 panelists as P1 and P2.

P1: So Rakesh(again wrong name but this time the HR madam corrected my name) … So Sayak, Introduce yourself!

Me: Gave a brief introduction and mentioned my internships(One was in TCS)

P1: Okay so what project have you done in TCS?

Me: Told

P1: How you created the dashboard? (project-based)

Me: Told

P1: Do you know any server-side programming?

Me: Told

P1: Which technology stack you used and how you have done that?

Me: Told

P1: How you have fetched the APIs in your project?

Me: Told

P1: What is bootstrap and how you have used it? What is CDN?

Me: Told

P1: Okay so what and how you have implemented security measures in your project? have you done any encryption technique? How have you done that?

Me: Answered with ease as all I have done in my project.

P1: Okay so how have you achieved this through PHP and how you have achieved the API fetching mechanism(This time he got confused and mixed up the technology stack of my NIC project and TCS project)?

Me: I clarified and told about the confusion. I also said that I have done that in react.js.

P1: What is SHA 256 encoding and how the mechanism works?

Me: Told

P1: Can you implement that encoding while fetching your APIs in your project and how? Tell me a brief idea?

Me: Answered.

P1: Then he asked some questions on the things I have learned during my TCS internships, the company insights, and then asked P2 whether he had any questions for me.

P2: No no, I am done. No questions from my side( seems impressed from the smile on his face)

P1: Addressing the HR-“Send him to the HR round”

HR: Wanted to see my mark sheets and my aadhar card and then told me that if you are shortlisted for the HR round you will get a call from us.

Me: Okay Ma’am, Thanks a lot. Have a good day ma’am, have a good day sir!!

Now after that I was supposed to wait again for the next round. While waiting I contacted some of my friends whose interview rounds were over, and they said that there was only one round where both technical and HR questions were asked, and they weren’t told to wait for any further rounds. I was tensed and I waited till 9 pm and after getting no call I dropped a mail to the HR.

After that, I was pretty sure that as I wasn’t called for the HR so maybe I could not clear the technical round.

Results: After about a month We got our interview results on 5th October, and I was overwhelmed with joy when I saw that I was selected for a digital offer and I will be receiving my offer letter shortly. I was one of the 2 students from our college who are offered Digital role.

Still waiting for my offer letter!!