TCS Codevita Interview -2019

Hello everyone, my name is Tanmay . I had given my TCS Codevita interview on 5th Aug 2019 . The interview was scheduled at 12:00 pm in Lucknow . I reached the venue at 9:00 am . But the interview process started bit late due to some reason.
I kept waiting for my turn which came at around 5:30 pm . Well finally my turn came and my name was called . I started going towards the person who called my name, I was told to wait for sometime and then I was called by my interviewer after 10 minutes .
There were total three rounds – Technical, Managerial and HR .
Round 1: 
My first round was Technical . There were two people in the panel (one sir and one mam). So mam asked me “Tell me about yourself”. I confidently told about me and mentioned about my couple of projects I worked upon. I told them about a project which is a website(a blog) and gave them the url of my website which is live. Sir typed the url in his computer, both the interviewer looked the website. Mam asked me if this website was my college project . I told her that it is my hobby to work on different projects and I am a big fan of TV show “Game of Thrones” so I made this blog as a fan . Then sir asked me by looking at the code of my website that why I haven’t used HTML5 tags and instead used tags of older version of HTML . So, I told him that I initially learned the previous version of HTML so I prefer to use those tags but I will change my this coding style with current version HTML5 .
Now, they started asking me technical questions . Sir asked me if I am good in Python as I have only mentioned one programming language as Python in my resume . So I said yes . He asked me about docstring in Python . I knew the answer but I was not sure so I said that I don’t know . He asked again what is range and xrange ? I confidently answered it with every variations . Mam asked me about the problem which I had solved in the Codevita . I explained them clearly . Then sir gave me a coding question –

Write a program to check whether a number can be written as sum of two prime numbers or not.

I got blank couldn’t figure out but got the solution in my mind after the interview got over. So, during interview I told him that I am not able to figure out the maths right now. So, he gave me an another program of transpose of matrix. I was so nervous that I could barely manage to write the code of it which is very easy . Then he asked a SQL query to create a table using “select” statement . I wrote the query but there was a mistake in one keyword where I should have written “as” but I wrote “value” . So he told me that he has never seen this “value” keyword . So after that he said that I can go and asked if I had any questions for them . So I asked them what are the technologies they are working on . They said that IBM DB and some NoSQL databases . Then I stood up and thanked them and came back . I thought that I screwed my first round and I might get rejected from this round only but after sometime I was called for next round, then I got bit relieved .

Round 2:
I went for next round which was managerial . He asked me to introduce myself . I gave my introduction again confidently and in that I mentioned about my projects on Deep Learning . So he asked me about how will I give image as input to model and other technical questions related to my project like CNN, etc . Then he asked some behavioral questions like family background, father’s occupation, etc .
He then saw that I had above 90% in both 10 so asked my favourite subject which I answered as Science. So he gave a question of Physics to solve . It was a basics resistance based circuit with different combination of resistances and I had to find current in different branches .I solved it comfortably . He then asked some formulas and concepts of maths which I answered easily.

Round 3:
Now it was the turn of HR round . He asked me to introduce myself and asked some basics questions from my resume like hobbies, etc and follow up questions on my answers like the last movie you saw, etc . He asked why TCS, etc and then asked me if I will be okay with reallocation which I answered patiently and said that I have no problem in reallocation and I would love to do it.
So, this is my interview experience and I got selected for TCS Ninja post. I wish you best of luck!
    Thank You!
Some tips:
Have patience and be confident, don’t be stressed. Eat some food but not too much . While solving any problem in the interview, break the problems in the parts . Think about the problem itself and nothing else in the world .
And most importantly NEVER GIVE UP! and don’t think about the result . My result of interview came after 2 weeks.