TCS Codevita Interview Experience

TCS Codevita is an anual coding contest conducted by Tata Concultant Services globally. This season of TCS Codevita was the 10 the season. It is an competioion conduted by Tata Concultancy services as a part of there off capurs recruitemt initiaitve. It ia a compotition that is used by tcs to selcte people for various roles in this organization. TCS Codevita is one of the most reputed compiyions in the coding world and is known for its high standards. TCS codevita is conducted in 3 stages or rounds.

Round one:

This was the first round of TCS codevita and was open to all the students who were graduating in the years 2024 to 2026. This is the first round in the selection process. In total there were 6 coding questions and the time given was 6 hours to solve. All the questions of this round were medium level questions and we’re solvable if proper attention to the question was given. Some of the questions were regarding the implement of bubble set, shortest part algorithms and 2 pointer approach. I was able to solve 2 questions in this round and was able to qualify for the next round.

Round Two:

This was the second round and was conducted after a month from the first round The question difficulty was more then the previous round. In thotal there were 8 questions given and 6 hours of time to solve those questions. The question ranged from medium to difficult. The question and testcases vere framed in such a manner that close attention to those is needed. I was able to solve 3 questions partially , only the public test cases , the main issue I faced during this was Exeding the time limit, almost in all the questions the time limit was mentioned as 1 second , though the codes written by me were of linear time complexity and were well withing the range when confirmed with other compilers i was still unable to solve those questions further.

Verdict: Not selected

Though I was not selected for the further rounds it was a really nice experience and a quite knowledgeable one. I got to know he areas where I need to focus and got first hand experience of competitive coding . Thought I was able to solve 2 questions in the first round I did not recive and call from TCS. Overall it was a pretty decent experience a dn I would encourage everyone to try writing the contest next year.