TCS Digital Interview Experience 2021

After the Online National Qualifier Test, students who performed well in the NQT were selected for the Tcs Digital profile

NQT consists of:

Round 1: Aptitude, Verbal, (Technical or Pseudocode solving), Puzzles. After completing the NQT, Toppers of NQT are selected to TCS Digital

Round 2: Two coding Questions (where 1 is Medium level and 1 is Easy level) and we will have a Time limit 1hr. I have solved both questions. So, I got selected for the Interview.

Round 3: It consists of 3 Panels(Technical, Managerial, HR). It started with Technical:

  1. Introduce yourself?
  2. Programming languages mentioned in the resume and how would you rate yourself? As I told I would rate 8/10 in Python.
  3. They started asking questions in Machine learning
  4. What are pandas and why there are used?
  5. Compare Pandas and Numpy?
  6. Can you explain about Pandas data structures?
  7. Which one is better than NumPy arrays or lists in python?
  8. Explain about tuples?
  9. Explain Exception Handling, what are the main keywords?
  10. What are regular expressions, how would you use it?
  11. Name some function in regular expressions?
  12. Why are flower brackets used in regular expressions?
  13. Do you know file Handling?
  14. How do you read the data from the files?
  15. How do you write the data into the files?
  16. Do you have any personal projects which are useful to your system in our computer-based on python? I have one small project and explained it.
  17. Can you explain the Blueprint for the project?
  18. How would you plot a bar graph and which module is used for that?
  19. Can you analyze the data if you were given data?
  20. How do you import a file for analyzing the data?
  21. How do you connect python with Mysql?
  22. How do you execute Mysql queries with the help of Python?
  23. Which is the other language other than python used for analyzing the data? I said R language
  24. Explain the differences between R language and Python language?
  25. Do you know about Java, how would you rate yourself?
  26. What are the latest technologies do you know?
  27. Explain Artificial Intelligence? I said about the machine learning
  28. Explain Machine learning and how it is used?
  29. Are you good at Data structures?
  30. What are the topics you were good at?

Managerial Round: In this round, they try to test your perspective on technology and your knowledge about various tech giants out there. You are at least expected to know about various new technologies and how companies like Google, Facebook, etc are using them to their advantage.

  1. Explain about the projects you have done? Explained about a project related to machine learning
  2. Which project are you going to do in the final semester? I told like, still not decided but will do a project on machine learning taking real-time data.
  3. Asked about the service bond for 1 year with TCS?
  4. What are you expecting from TCS?
  5. Why your CGPA is less compared to 10th and 12th?

HR: The HR round was very casual as compared to other rounds. They are just trying to get to know more about yourself

  1. Why TCS?
  2. About the relocation(yes/no)? I said Yes
  3. Are your parents ok with your relocation?

These were questions asked me in the Interview(about 30 mins). I was unable to answer 3 to 4 questions. But overall it was a good experience.

Final verdict: Selected

Hope this helps. Thank you and All the Best.