TCS Digital Interview Experience (through Codevita 2019)

Last Year I got Selected as System Engineer in India’s Biggest IT Company TCS. 
I got Selected Not through NQT(National Qualifier Test) but through the CodeVita
The Role Offered to me was the Digital

So let’s have some prior experience before actually sitting in the Interview Room. 

Initial Phase : CodeVita 2019 Exam 
The CodeVita is one of the Famous Coding Competition not in India but also outside India. 
It not only gives you the opportunity to show off your coding skills but also gives you the chance to have a Job Interview with TCS. 
The CodeVita Contains around 6 Questions with 6 hours to submit your Test. 
Once you start your test then only you would be able to see the question and your timer for 6 hours will start automatically. 
The Codevita usually Contains around 3 easy 2 medium and 1 hard questions (It may vary with the year)
If you are able to solve one of them you will get the interview opportunity as many of my college friends who had solved only one question got the interview opportunity. 
Luckily I was able to solve 3 out of them. 
A few days later to the test I got my ranking and offer for the interview and received information regarding the Documents that I need to carry to the Interview room with the Interview Location. 

Interview Phase : 
I reached the Location earlier and waited for around 1 hour after then delegates sent me to the Interview Room. 
There were two Interviewer Sitting Together. 
Me: Good Morning Sir. May I sit. 
Interviewer 1: Yeah Sure Anurag. Tell me Something about yourself. 
Me: Told about me. 
then, he gave me a paper and asked me to write my CT Reference Id and asked my Resume. 
Interviewer 1: Write the Palindrome program with recursion. 
Me: Wrote and Submitted the Code. 
Interviewer 1: Again he asked to write the code for Kth Largest Element in an Array 
Me: Again Wrote the Code & Submitted. 
Interviewer 1: Good. 
Me: Thank You, Sir. 
Interviewer 1: Tell me the difference between StringBuffer & StringBuilder? 
Me: Told. 
Interviewer 1: You have made many projects, tell me about your final year project. 
Me: Told about my Project and he asked questions regarding to it. 
Interviewer 1: Anurag, Do you know Multithreading & What is the difference between MultiThreading and MultiTasking? 
Me: Told along with the differences. 

Interviewer 1: Tell me the Ways to create the Thread? 
Me: Told about the Thread class and Runnable Interface. 

Interviewer 1: What are the difference between the start & run method? 
Me: start() method is used to start a newly created thread, in which the start() method calls run() method. When you invoke run() externally then it will be like a normal method call & no new thread will be started. 

Interviewer 2: What are the 1st step for solving the Problem? 
Me: Identify the Problem. 
Interviewer 2: Good. 
Me: Thank You, Sir. 
Interviewer 2: Do you know SQL? 
Me: Yes Sir. 
Interview 2: Tell me about the Union clause? 
Me: The SQL UNION clause is used for combining the results of two or more select statements without returning any duplicate rows. 
Interviewer 2: Write the Syntax? 
Me: Wrote the Syntax of it. 

Interviewer 1: What is Normalization in DBMS? 
Me: Told about it with its type. 

Interviewer 1: What is the difference between Ipv4 & Ipv6? 
Me: Told with the help of comparison. 

Interviewer 1: Ok, Thanks Anurag We are done with your Interview. 
Me: Thank You so Much, Sir. 

It was the first round and these Interviewer Will Decide that I will be eligible for next round or not & I was bit confident as I gave most of the answers correctly, Delegates asked me to sit outside & wait for the result. Later on, I was called for next Round (!!!!got excited!!!! ). 

HR Round: 
Me: Good Afternoon Sir. 
Interviewer: Good Afternoon, Have a sit. 
Me: Thanks, Sir. 
Interviewer: Want to have Water? 
Me: No Sir, Thanks. 
Interviewer: You can lose your tie. 
Me: No Sir, I am Comfortable, Thanks. 
Interviewer: Give me your Resume. 
Me: Gave. 
Interviewer: (after taking some time)I can see in your resume, you like coding. 
Me: Yes, Sir. 
Interviewer: Good. 
Me: Thank You, Sir. 
Interviewer: Why do you want to join the TCS? 
Me: Told. 
Interviewer: Good. 
Me: Thank You, Sir. 
Interviewer: If you got selected for TCS, then will work at night if required? 
Me: Yes, Sir Of course. 
Interviewer: What is your Strength? 
Me: Told. 
Interviewer: Are you willing to migrate? 
Me: Yes Sir, I like to visit the new Places. 
Interviewer: Tell me about your hobbies? 
Me: Told my hobbies 
Interviewer: Ok Anurag, I am done with your interview, Do you have any questions? 
Me: Asked about the Work Culture. 
Interviewer: Told about the Work Culture. 
Me: Thanks, Sir. 
Interviewer: Ok, Anurag You may leave. 
Me: Thank you sir, Have a nice day. 

After many days I got a mail regarding my Interview Result and I was offered the digital profile.(Party) 

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