TCS Interview Experience 2020

This was the ninja Interview experience 2020. There were 3 people HR, MRand TR. My interview was held on the CISCO webex platform. She called me before the interview to check I was joining or not.

I joined the meeting by a link that was provided in the mail. After joining the meeting I was able to only see the face of Hr as her video was on. I said good morning to her. She replied and asked for an adhaar card and took a screenshot of it.

Then she introduced herself and 2 other,

HR and TR was female and MRwas male,


  1. She asked me about what is your favourite language for coding I mentioned python because I am comfortable in it, then she asked me the subjects I know I said  OOPS and  DBMS.
  2. She asked me abstract class- I was not able to give an answer so, I replied: I am not able to recall at the moment.  
  3. Then she asked me polymorphism I answered with the help of an example.
  4. 3rd question was of inheritance I answered it with example and types,
  5. Then she asked does python-support multilevel inheritance. I said yes,
  6. Then she asked DDL statements, I answered.
  7. Difference between Where clause and having clause, I  answered
  8. Then she asked me about the projects I’ve done in college.  (I have 3 projects in the college duration.)
  9. One was minor
  10. One was based on IOT
  11. Another one was based on data Science (training project).
  12. I mentioned 3 of them then she asked me my role in them, then she targeted my minor project. which was based on HTML, CSS, bootstrap, js
  13. My role was web designing, she asked me tag which is used to put an image in HTML, I answered
  14. How to put value in img tag I answered,
  15. Then she asked the difference between internal, inline, and external CSS. I answered.
  16. Then she asked Inner join  I answered,
  17. Then she asked Right join  I answered.
  18. The next question was why Null is used I answered.
  19. What is the difference between null and empty I answered?
  20. Then she asked some question about Data structure- :stack, queue with example,I answered.
  21. Then she asked me about sorting techniques but I had not revised that and not mentioned it in the resume so I told her I only know merge sort at the moment. She asked me to explain the merge sort I did.
  22. Then she asked me about a data science project: What was my role(my role was of data analytics) then she asked me about uses of NumPy, pandas, matplotlib I answered.

It covered 15-20minutes of the interview.


  1. He asked me as I listened to your interview, you have done many projects I said yes sir,
  2. He asked me the team size of the project I answered.  
  3. He asked have you faced any situation where you were a team leader I answered it. with the situation.
  4. He asked have you faced any situation where you were a team member(under team leader). I answered it with the situation.
  5. Then, He asked. Where are you from I answered,
  6. He asked me how is the weather there, I said it is good.
  7. He asked how are you feeling I said I am a little nervous as it’s my first interview.
  8. He replied: you should, but not on an extreme level.
  9. Then he asked me that am I ready to reallocate I answered, yes as I mentioned in my hobbies I love traveling and I love to explore new things.
  10. He replies traveling and reallocating are both different things, and said I am done now Hr will continue(I was not given chance to give the answer to the statement stated by him)


  1. She checks or verifies my 10th,12th, and current sem CGPA.
  2. At that moment I realized that they were not asking question from my resume they only have my Application form .
  3. My current CGPA was mentioned wrong as application form was filled by me in 5th sem, so I corrected that.she asked but here it is written wrong I mentioned it was my 5th sem CGPA I was gone to update on the day of interview result but there my application was showing “batched”.She said ok.
  4. Then she asked why TCS. I answered as I always want to work in an organization which treated their employee in the best way it can as it comes to TCS my this requirement seems fulfilled as my seniors work there they used to tell me that or seniors in the office are not boss-type they are team leader they are very helpful and co-operative.
  5. Then she asked if XYZ company will offer you a higher package with the same environment what will you choose.
  6. I said TCS because I am not friendly with that company as I don’t know anything about that organization how I can work there
  7. Then she replaced XYZ with IBM or Capgemini and asked same question I answered as I am fresher I am focusing on practical knowledge. The package is a secondary thing for me. she said you are saying this because you are sitting in front of us she tried well to switch my answer but I said TCS on every situation given by her.
  8. I will not choose IBM or Capgemini because number of project in Tcs are higher as compared to both. at this time i only know Python and DBMS but if in the future is you will assign me a project other than that language  I will b happy to learn it and complete it before the deadline.
  9. Then she asked when will you be working in TCS.
  10. I said till Tcs will not remove me. she said the company never ask for it. then I replied ok, i will be with this organization until my skills are useful for the organization.
  11. She said ok then she asked will you join if you offer ITIS(Infrastructure testing) as you said you are focusing on practical knowledge will not provide that. I said yes, I also mentioned that i love to explore new things doing job in ITIS will surely give me knowledge of testing with software developer would not know.
  12. Then she said we in TCSwant freshers who are flexible. Who don’t have any problem to switch languages, who are ready to learn new languages I was agreed with every point she said.
  13. Then she ok that’s all for today, but she does give permission to leave the meeting. So I asked her can I leave the meeting

She said yes. I replied Thank you so much, mam. And I left the meeting.

This was my interview experience.