TCS Interview Experience

This article basically helpful for everyone but I’m from an IT background so my main focus is to cover IT-specific interview experience, so I have been given total 4 interviews in which I was selected in two, but I reject the first company and secure my job in second.

So the main thing I observed in those 4 interviews is confidence, representation of your answer, and core concept which they asked like in all of that interview some common concept which they asked is OOP(Object-Oriented Programming), DBMS, SQL, etc. 

Some key point which is useful to you :

  • If you are not sure about the answer which they asked just confidently say “Sorry I don’t about that” with a smiling face.
  • The interviewer also notices your body language like how you sit, how you talk, your body movement when you are giving an answer all of this stuff is observed.
  • Don’t get nervous when you are talking to the interviewer 
  • Keep proper eye contact with the interviewer otherwise, she/he will be bored

I would like to tell you that one of that four companies is TCS, in which I have given an interview, which I have a great experience.

So this is my first article and please ignore grammatical mistakes, if you like this keep reading my upcoming article and All The Best for the interview I Wish you will get a job as per your talent, Thank You.