TCS Interview Experience for B.Tech


TCS conducts TCS NQT online test overall India.

Round 1:  TCS NQT 2019  consists of   60 questions comprise of Aptitude, English, MCQs on Computer Science subjects, and 2 coding questions which can be done in C, C++, C#, Java, or Python. During the test, I attempted the coding questions in C at first but I got compilation errors then I shifted to python where I’m able to pass the test cases for only 1 coding question. I felt very bad about myself and thought that I have to give another exam for another company again. Some of my friends got outputs and some others got struck due to server problems. After a month we got results and to my surprise, I’m into round2!


Round 2: It was a Technical Round at TCS Synergy Park, Gachibowli, Hyderabad. We are called by order into a large seminar hall where there are nearly 10 panels per hall. I was into a panel of  2 people. I wished them and they asked “Tell me about yourself” and I said the well-prepared answer of mine! One of the interviewers asked me to write a code for finding the highest number in the given array and I wrote it. He asked me to explain in detail and I did. He asked about the projects that I put in my resume and asked project-related questions like to write the syntax for Java Event Handling etc. Mean-while the other interviewer (sat as if he is not at all interested in me)  asked me to write SQL query to delete duplicate rows in the table I felt tensed there and they let me take my own time to write the query and that’s it my round2 was completed and they asked me to wait for the results.

Round 3: After a Quarter-hour, I was called for the final round (TR2+HR). The panel contains one Technical head and an HR. The Technical head asked me to explain about my final year project, differences between Java, Python and C languages,  and differences between Compiler and Interpreter. The HR asked me about my acceptance for the time shifts, Job  Locations, and bond period of 2 years. Here I denied for the night shifts and she didn’t deny my decision and they asked me to wait for the final results and that’s it my round3 was completed. I got the result after a week. I was selected and given an offer and also online courses(NextStepPortal) with procurement tests for incentives in the salary. I’ve given the procurement test and qualified for the incentives and waiting for the joining date!

One thing that I learned from my first interview is the importance of the presence of mind.No matter how hard you prepare for the interview, basic skills will help you a lot!