TCS Interview Experience for Ninja 2020

Round 1: TCS NQT exam

About the NQT exam & about the NQT pattern, you can get many things on it in other articles, in this one you can get a particular interview experience.

Round 2: Interview :

  • Questions level – easy to medium
  • Questions mostly on – The topics with which I was comfortable.
  • Duration – 45 minutes – 1 Hour.

Technical Interview

In my case, I was much more comfortable with C and Data structure at that time, so I mentioned this in the resume too, I also prepared a tell about myself section as they will ask that question in the beginning for sure, so as I was proficient with C and DS and not with Java, I particularly mentioned in my about my self-question that I am good with C and DS, to grab their attention on that, so as per I wanted they started asking a question on C and DS, and they keep going in-depth, like pointers, double pointers, arrays, dynamic array, malloc, calloc, and also types of pointers like what are dangling pointer and their memory structure, like how the array is stored in the memory, and linked list, and many more. then just for some change around after 30 minutes, they asked a few basic Java questions, but I told them I know the logic, but not the syntax, and I gave answers about that one, OOPS they only asked about the 5 features which OOPS provides us, I also mentioned about my Project in tell me about yourself, so they asked questions based on that too, and at the end few sql questions they asked, so I can say directly from the horse’s mouth that, your technical interview will be mostly dependent on how you introduce yourself, so try to highlight the areas where you are good, so interviewer will also I have direction about what kind of questions will be perfect to test you.

Managerial / HR :

About the Managerial round, the Questions were straight forward, they asked me about my background and also Will I be able to relocate, and also do I am capable of doing rigorous work on the same content, and then during HR they only asked about my background and, few questions to test my personality, it is easy to answer, as you just have to be yourself and answer them without lying so that your answer shouldn’t make you wrong in afterward questions, remember once you got to HR round you are selected already just if you show stupidity while HR answers then you might get rejected.

Few Tips

  •  Be loyal with your resume, whatever you have written in it, you should know about that in the depth you mentioned in your resume, you should have a proper example to illustrate the things you mentioned in your resume, not just skills but even hobbies too. like if you write cooking as your hobby, then must be ready with at least one small incident which will tell them why you love cooking.
  • while writing strengths and weaknesses in your resume, your weakness should be the one that can harm your work in the company how, it can adversely affect your capabilities when you are applying for a programming job, never write weak in Algorithm or programming like a thing or not able to handle pressure like things. you can write not good spellings, they are not going to ask easily manually by hand during your job, you can avoid spelling errors by simply using spell check tool in computer.