TCS Interview Experience for Software Engineer

Pre-Interview Preparation:

I applied for the Software Engineer position at TCS Company and was thrilled to receive an email inviting me for an interview. In preparation, I thoroughly reviewed the company’s website, its recent projects, and any available information about its tech stack. I also revised data structures and algorithms, anticipating technical questions.

Interview Round 1: Technical Screening

Interviewer: Senior Software Engineer

The technical screening began with a discussion about my previous projects. I explained my role in detail, emphasizing the challenges faced and the solutions implemented. The interviewer was particularly interested in a project where I had optimized database queries to improve performance.
Afterwards, we delved into technical questions, covering topics such as:

  • Data Structures: I was asked to explain the differences between an array and a linked list and discuss scenarios where one is more suitable than the other.
  • Algorithms: The interviewer presented a problem related to finding the shortest path in a graph. I explained my thought process, discussed different approaches, and implemented a solution on a shared code editor.
  • System Design: I was given a high-level scenario to design a scalable system. We discussed components, databases, and potential bottlenecks.

The interviewer was interested not only in the correctness of my solutions but also in my ability to communicate and reason through the problems.

Interview Round 2: Behavioral and Cultural Fit

Interviewer: HR Manager

The second round focused on behavioural questions to assess my cultural fit within the company. Some questions included:

  • Describe a Challenging Team Situation: I talked about a project where we had a tight deadline. I emphasized the collaboration within the team and how we successfully met the deadline by dividing tasks effectively.
  • How Do You Handle Feedback?: I discussed a situation where I received constructive criticism and how I used it to improve my skills.
  • Why XYZ Tech?: I explained my admiration for the company’s innovative projects and mentioned specific features that attracted me.

The HR manager also shared insights into the company culture and team dynamics.

Interview Round 3: Technical Deep Dive

Interviewer: Tech Lead

In this round, the Tech Lead focused on a detailed discussion of my technical skills. We went deeper into coding challenges, discussing time and space complexity, optimizations, and edge cases.
The interviewer also presented a real-world scenario the team had faced, and we brainstormed potential solutions together. This round emphasized problem-solving skills, domain knowledge, and a collaborative mindset.


After the interviews, I sent thank-you emails to each interviewer, expressing my gratitude for the opportunity and reiterating my enthusiasm for the position.


I received positive feedback from the interviewers and was later contacted by the HR department with a job offer. The entire process was challenging yet rewarding, providing valuable insights into the company’s work culture and the technical expectations of the role.