TCS Interview Experience (On-Campus) Full Stack Developer

I had the chance to interview for the Full Stack Developer position at TCS (Tata Consulting Services) through an on-campus recruitment process.

In-Center Online Test

  • 2 hours in Center Exam. [ Jalandhar]
  • It Contains Three sections time limit for every section, there is no time limit for each question.
    • Verbal Ability
    • Quantitative Ability
    • Coding
      • Question 1: Detect Cycle in Directed Graph
      • Question 2: 0 1 Knapsack Problem

In Person Interview [ Gurgaon Office]

  • Interview Went for approximately 1 hr 30 minutes.
  • It consists of Technical, Managerial, and HR Rounds.
  • Technical and Manager Person are on the Google Meet and HR sits front of you, after the Technical and Managerial Questions are done HR takes the in-person interview.
  • First Technical, then Managerial, and later HR.

Technical Questions

  • C++
    • What is Token in C++.
    • What is Deep Copy and Shallow Copy
    • What is Difference between Call by Value and Call by Reference.
  • OOPs (Object Oriented Programming)
    • Can we use a class without object.
    • Explain types of Inheritance
    • Explain Function Overloading and Operator Overloading.
  • React
    • What is Virtual DOM in React
    • What are state and props
    • Which react Hook is used for only rendering when the page is loaded for the first time.
    • what happens when we run the command create-react-app.
    • The React component is rendering too slow, what might be the causes and how will you fasten it.
  • Project
    • Explain about your Project.
    • Explain the JWT Authentication [ Used in Project].
    • If anyone knows the access Token, can they manipulate it and take control of application.
  • Git
    • Git Command to show all branches.
  • SQL
    • Given a table with transactions made by the customers, find out the customer with second highest value of average of the transactions.
  • Coding
    • Shown an Algorithm and asked the time complexity of algorithm and explain

Managerial Questions

  • What are your future plans.
  • Discussed about my future plans of becoming entrepreneur and some follow ups
  • What are your hobbies. [ Movies, books, Sports].
  • What the books you read and name some of them.

HR Questions

  • Do you have any offers.
  • How many interviews you gave till now.
  • Verified the marks in the certificates against the marks provided during registration.

For other people there are some general HR Questions, in my case there HR didn’t ask any questions.

Verdict: Not Selected


  • Not Answered Some Technical Questions.
  • When asked about the future Plans said to become an entrepreneur and leave the company after 3-4 years. They are excepting long term relationship with company. This is major mistake, should have talked about the staying in company for longer time and becoming team lead.