TCS National Qualifier Test NQT Experience 2024

I appeared for NQT on 8 May 2024, Morning shift.

The exam was organized in online mode at ION digital centers. Its duration was 3 hr 10 minutes and was divided into sections each section has a fixed duration and one can’t switch to the next section. Most of the questions were MCQ, some filled the space. The exam has the following Sections –


No. of Question

Duration ( in min.)




Verbal Ability






Advance Aptitude and Reasoning



Basic Coding Question



Advance Coding Question



  • Aptitude – The aptitude section consisted of the following questions –
    • 4- 5 questions on profit and loss
    • 2- 3 questions on number system
    • A question on ratio and proportion and many more.
  • Verbal Ability – The aptitude section consisted of the following questions
    • There were about 8 questions of parajumbled and error identification.
    • 1 of synonym.
    • Few questions of paragraph formation.
    • Rest were the passage reading.
  • Reasoning – This section consisted of following question
    • 5-6 question on coding-decoding.
    • 4-5 questions on blood relation.
    • 4-5 question on Syllogism and Data sufficiency.
    • A question related to Calendar.
    • A question on Venn diagram.
  • Advance Aptitude and Reasoning – The question of this section were quiet tricky.
    • It had 3 questions on Data Interpretation.
    • 3-4 questions related to Data arrangement.
    • A question of Cistern and pipe.
    • Some question related to geometry like
      • A spherical ball of radius r is molded into ‘n’ solid cones of radius ‘R’. Find n?
      • Find area of shaded region. ( This required knowledge of area of circle and area of arc within circle ).
    • Some question of Sequence and series.

Note : To solve the coding question, we have to write the main function and handle input and output too.

  • Basic Coding Question –

Two integers ‘x’ and ‘y’ are taken input. You have return the multiple of y closest to x.

Input :

x = 15


Output :


Constraints : -10^5 < x <10^5

  • Advance Coding Question –

You need to take a String “password” as input and do following operation on password.

validate : Ensure that the password satisfies following –

1. The length of password is greater or equal to 8.

2. Password must contain atleast one number.

3. Password must contain atleast one special character.

4. Password must contain atleast one uppercase alphabet.

5. Password must contain atleast one lowercase alphabet.

If anyone of the above conditions evaluates false then print message “Error!” .

encryption : If the password validates to be true from above function, then modify the password using caesor cipher. To do so input an integer n, this will be the shifting integer. Shift the each character or number of password by n. Return the encrypted string.

For example : password = “T@nuJ@in13” and n= 2. The encrypted password will shift each character by preceding 2nd character. password = “VBpwLBkp35”