TCS Ninja Interview Experience

Round-1 (Online Exam)

  • The first round comprised two sections 
  • Part A: Foundation
  • Part B: Advanced section
  • In the Foundation section, it consists of 65 questions with 75 minutes in total. Numerical Ability – 20 questions consisting of Arithmetic questions, Verbal Ability – 25 questions consisting of grammar, sentence arrangement as well as reading comprehension next was the Reasoning Ability – 20 questions consisting of reasoning-based and data interpretation questions. 

They were not very difficult but were very tricky.
Suggestion: I would suggest doing practice from sites like Indiabix, Javatpoint, etc. as it will give the confidence to solve problems.

  • The Advanced Section was subdivided into two sections, first one was the advanced quantitative ability, and the other reasoning ability with 10 questions each with 35 minutes in total. The next section was the coding with two questions, one easy and another a medium-level question with 55 minutes in total.

Suggestion: I would suggest doing questions from Indiabix and Javatpoint questions will be a little tougher than the previous section for coding I would suggest practicing a good amount of questions from array, string, and DP-related problems from GFG and Leetcode both the platforms will be more than sufficient to deal with the problems

Tips: Solve the questions with a calm mind. Don’t stress yourself during the test because you have to do a good amount of questions in less time. Don’t spend too much time on any question if you are not able to do it on the first attempt.

Round-2 (TR+MR+HR)

  • In this round, the technical, managerial, and HR will be conducted in a single round itself.
  • The interviewer will start with a basic introduction and then will move on to your subject of interest, being a CS student my questions came from Operating Systems, DBMS, and Software Engineering as well a few other CS subjects.
  • The next interviewer asked me about the projects that I have made and explained them. He also asked me to do some SQL queries and to share them in the chat section.
  • Then, HR asked me some questions related to my hobbies, extracurricular activities, and my future plans, and lastly with the location constraints whether I will be able to relocate or not.

Tips: Know yourself before any interview. Be calm & answer politely, have a good amount of knowledge about the project that you have provided in your resume, be thorough with your core subjects and answer them confidently, and always have a smile on your face throughout the interview.