TCS Ninja Interview Experience

Round 1(TR + MR):

  1. TR said Tell me about yourself! ( 40% -Personal intro and 60%-Professional intro )
  2. In Professional intro I said about my working experience, then on that asked about my project and profile in the company in which I was working as an intern.
  3. She(TR) took my resume and directly goes to the project section and asked about one project out of four( I was totally prepared for all my projects and did gave a brilliant explanation.)
  4. Then MR asked that you have a good knowledge of your domain(ML-AI-Computer vision) why are you applying to this role(Ninja). I answered this in a short way.
  5. Then MR said that in our company if a person has a good knowledge of some domains and the team has less experience then we believe to share and teach the technology or domain to everyone inside a team. ( I was also ready for this type of question as being a leader(GirlScript) I have explained all the handlings regarding this situation.
  6. MR+TR both asked me that how much are you earning with the current internships( eventually the value is higher than the package of TCS Ninja ) after knowing this she said that for this role you will get around 25k after all cuttings still you want to join. ( I answer this in a smart way and tilted towards the TCS ongoing projects)
  7. TR asked Why you didn’t give TCS CodeVita( I was not aware of that so couldn’t be applied)
  8. MR said you should try Codvita next year( I said for sure ma’am)
  9. Both asked for my higher studies plan( like Mtech, Mba).
  10. TR+MR asked about my final year project( now after hearing this I totally analyzed that they are showing so much interest in my projects, Now by luck that time I had a brilliant explanation)
  11. So I asked them can I stand and explain. I also asked for a pen and paper, then I have placed that paper in between of them and started the explanation with paper visualization. ( I think there I hit a sixer!)
  12. After this, they both praised my knowledge and seen my achievements in my resume and said (thank you, you will get your result after 15-20 minutes.)

Round 3(HR): After clearance of  my TR and MR

  1. She asked for Intro and for my resume/CV ( 40% -Personal intro and 60%-Professional intro).
  2. In between my introduction, she read all the sections of my resume( she analyzed that I belong to which domain) and then asked that suppose if you do any project with different domain which is totally new for you, how you will handle this and what resources are going to help? ( I was prepared for this situation and answered it well)
  3. Asked why you want to work for TCS?
  4. Then she asked, are you willing to join at any location? ( everyone knows the answer)
  5.  Then she asked, In TCS you won’t be able to come home frequently for holidays( she gave me an example of the time period of 2-2.5 years).
  6. Are you able to work in night shifts?
  7. she saw that I was the winner of SIH 2019 then asked about that and I explained well.
  8. She explained to me the bond period in TCS and then explained some after selection process( majorly talking about the re-verification of the documents after the confirmed selection) and said you will get your result by mail.
  9. Finally the end of interview ?

Suggestions: Practice in front of the mirror, Stay confident, be active will all the details of your resume.

for  more info you can connect with me on linkedin: