TCS NINJA Interview Experience, Sept 2018

Round 1: I applied in TCS through TCS National Qualifier Test .It is an online aptitude Test which tests for your quantitative aptitude, English(10 fill in the blanks) and coding(1 question). The Test has two sections : 

  • Standard ( for ninja profile).
  • Advanced( for Digital)

The overall test is quite easy if in case you clear your standard test you will be called for the tcs ninja interview else for digital interview. 

Suggestions:Test sites like Testpot, indiabix and w3wiki  are really helpful in placement preparation for any company .Also material from prepInsta helped me a lot cracking this exam . Most of the questions that came were repeated so a good practice of previous year papers also helps .English is really the easiest part of this exam .so need not worry about it.The coding part is also easy .it asks for really easy programming questions like pallindrome, nth term in fibonacci series, series programs, string programs etc. But the time given for this section is only 20 minutes .so speed is an  important factor but never the less even if your program does not run you may get selected on the basis of your performance in other sections. 

 Round 2:once you have cleared your test you will get the result within a week .i had my test on  3 sep this year and got my result on 9 sept. and a interview call via mail for 12 sep . 

There were three panelists one HR, 2 Technical i guess .questions asked to me were: 

  1. Introduce yourself.
  2. what is oops?give an example.(i mentioned that i am technically competent in java hence, most of the questions were  based on it)
  3. what is an object?
  4. differentiate between Abstract class ad Interface?In what scenarios do we use each of them discuss.
  5. Differentiate between sets and List.( i was then asked to give the output of a program based on sets ).
  6. Differentiate between vector and Array list.
  7. What do you know about Jswing?
  8. what do you mean by applet and servlet?
  9. what do you mean by joins in sql ?Explain outer join.
  10. project based questions like  IDE used and teel me about your project.

Questions asked by the HR : 

  1. Where do you belong to?
  2. Tell me bout your family background
  3. Are you ready to relocate anywhere across India?
  4. why TCS?

Suggestions :Just  be confident its ok if you dont know the answer of few questions tell them you dont know.They are really supportive.I was able to answer most of my technical questions except a few .It was really good experience .And i got placed in it.