TCS Placement Paper | Email Writing Question 6

Pre-requisite: Procedure to E-mail Writing
This is a TCS model placement email-writing question. It covers the important directions along with a sample solution to the question.


  1. Use all the phrases given.
  2. Minimum words should be 50 otherwise your email cannot be validated.
  3. Addressing and signing should be done as in the question given.
  4. Common grammatical rules, punctuation should be according to standard English.
  5. You can use your own phrases along with the phrases given.

As a student representative of your college, write an email to the Principal of Professional Engineering College, Prof.Sanjib Chatterjee, inviting his institute to participate in the Technical symposium being organized in your college. Sign the email as Arun.


Invite - technical Symposium - previous - success - expecting - huge participation - 
latest technology - stalls - demos - interaction - topics - complete - exchange ideas - 
exciting prizes.

Solution – Sample E-mail:

Dear Prof Chatterjee,

As a student representative of our college, I would like to invite your institute into the technical Symposium that is about to be held in our college next Sunday. Many eminent personalities would be visiting the Symposium just like the previous years. We are planning for a huge success this year too and are expecting a huge participation from your esteemed institution. The symposium would introduce to the mass about the latest technologies, followed by stalls set up to show demos on Science projects. It would be a great platform for interaction on some interesting topics with some of the eminent personalities. Participants can complete their registrations before the upcoming Sunday.

It is a great opportunity to exchange ideas and win exciting prizes. Looking forward to a great participation.

Thanks and regards,

Note: You can write your own versions of e-mail keeping in mind the points needed to be taken care of while an e-mail. Refer Procedure to E-mail Writing.