TCS Prime Interview Experience 2024 (On-Campus)

Round-1 (Online Assessment – 15 Jan 2024)

The first round comprised of 79 MCQ questions including aptitude, logical, verbal and 2 coding questions. These were divided into 2 parts-

Part-1 : Easy – 1) 20 Numerical Reasoning Questions. (25 minutes)

2) 25 Verbal Reasoning Questions. (25 minutes)

3) 20 Logical Reasoning Questions. (25 minutes)

Part-2 : Advance- 1) 14 Numerical and Logical Reasoning Questions Combined. (25 minutes)

2) Easy Coding Question.

3) Advance Coding Question.

90 min combined time was allocated for Coding questions.

Suggestion: I would suggest doing practice MCQs and Coding part from sites like w3wiki and also you can refer various free youtube channels. You need to solve all 2 coding questions with all test cases passed for Prime Interview.

Also you can refer TUF TCS archives.

Round-2 (Technical Interview Round-1)

Questions from the project. Main focus was on final year project. Questions like what was main intuition behind choosing this topic, cross questions on the answers which I gave and also interviewer checked my GitHub repositories (yes, it was unexpected since it was offline interview).

What is RTOS? Its from operating systems.

I was asked about swapping of two numbers without using third variable.

Also, He checked my mark sheets of all semesters and asked me about XNOR , theory of computations and what are microprocessors and microcontrollers.

Tips: You should have rough understanding of your curriculum subjects.

Round-3 (Managerial Interview Round-2)

Again discussion on all projects.

Previous experiences and what was work assigned to me in internship also describe some problem statements of the same.

Discussion on the resume and I was asked to tell something that was not written in my resume.

Some discussions over what technologies I know.

Tips: You should know each and every word of your Resume.

Round-4 (HR Interview Round-3)

Tell me something about yourself.

Are you ready to relocate and work in night shift if necessary for some projects.

What are your plans about future studies.

If you have 2 offers one from TCS and one from Infosys which one will you choose and why?

What is your opining on switching for salary hikes?

NOTE- In my case all 3 interview rounds were held combined and all 3 combined rounds lasted for approx. 40-45 minutes.