Techno Main Saltlake Kolkata Campus Experience


Choosing to pursue higher education is a life-changing decision that brings with it a wealth of experiences, difficulties, and opportunities for personal development. My ​college experience, as a lateral student ​who entered straight into my second year of study, took an interesting turn, especially in light of the extraordinary conditions of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. I ​will describe my unique campus experience in my essay, from my first to my last year, emphasizing the ​important features of my college, the difficulties encountered during the pandemic, and the influence of placements on my future chances.

Brief Description of College:

My college, ​which is located in a busy metropolis, is well known for its outstanding academic programs, cutting-edge teaching techniques, and active campus community. It offered a favorable setting for learning and personal growth with a large campus decorated with beautiful vegetation, ​cutting-edge infrastructure, and contemporary facilities. A varied student body at the college encouraged cross-cultural relationships and fostered an inclusive environment.

First Year to Final Year Journey:

Beginning my undergraduate career in the second year presented a number of difficulties. Despite my early concerns, I rapidly adjusted to the rigorous academic environment and ​made new friends. The faculty’s advice and assistance were crucial in helping me make the transition easier. I welcomed the chance to learn new things and develop new abilities.

My second ​year of college was marred by the epidemic since all classes were moved online. But as I advanced to my third year, I had the good fortune to see the rebirth of the ​lively campus culture and the restoration of in-person classes. The student’s actual presence on campus ​revitalized the educational setting and strengthened relationships among peers.


The expectation of placements grew as the 7th semester of my last year drew near. The college’s committed placement cell puts forth a lot of effort to match us ​with reputable ​businesses and offer priceless pre-placement training. Despite the difficulties caused by the pandemic, they set up online and offline ​recruitment campaigns so we could present our abilities and talents to potential employers.

I was able ​to assess the standards of the sector and improve my interviewing techniques thanks to the placement ​process, which proved to be a rewarding experience. The placement cell’s simulated interviews, resume-building classes, and group discussions gave us the skills we needed to​ be​ successful. The college’s​ solid industry connections and reputation were key factors in luring reputable businesses that provided students with a variety of job prospects.

Things Learned and Challenges Faced:

I gained priceless life lessons throughout my time in college that went beyond the classroom. I improved my critical thinking skills, developed better time ​management techniques, and gained a better appreciation for teamwork and collaboration. The difficulties I overcame ​throughout the epidemic ​strengthened​ my capacity for flexibility and resilience, prepared me for the uncertainties of the working world.​

While switching to online classes in the second year had certain drawbacks, returning to in-person instruction in the following years provided for a more thorough educational experience. The in-person encounters with professors and classmates helped students gain a deeper knowledge of the material and improved their overall learning experience as​ a whole. Participating in school events, organizations, and activities also gave me the chance to network and improve personally.


As a lateral student​ in college, my ​experience has been a fantastic adventure in development, resiliency, and adaptation. Each stage has changed my character and broadened my horizons,​ from adjusting to online classes​ during the second year to embracing in-person study and campus events. Numerous job prospects have been made possible thanks to the college’s dedication​ to placements and the hard work of the placement cell.

I am appreciative of the ​priceless lessons​ I learned, the friendships I made, and the personal development I had during my time in college. Although the pandemic​ altered the typical college experience, it inspired us to accept change and overcome​ hardship. My time in college helped​ shape my ​career and instilled principles that I will carry with me for the rest of​ my life.