Tekion Corp Interview Experience for SDE | On-Campus 2021

Tekion arrived for hiring in the last week of July 2021 in our campus for the SDE role (INTERNSHIP + FTE). We had a total of 4 rounds ( 1 Online Coding on HackerEarth  + 2 Technical Interviews+ 1 HR Interview). 

Here is my interview experience for the same.

Round 1 ( Online Coding Round) :

  • This round was conducted on the HackerEarth platform, There were 18 MCQs and 2 coding questions of easy/medium difficulty and the time allotted was 75 Mins.
  • The MCQs predominantly contained output finding questions where the code was in Java. Apart from this, the MCQs had questions from DBMS and algorithm analysis. There was 1 easy aptitude question as well.

Suggestions for MCQs :

  • Have a sound knowledge of OOPS, OS, DBMS, and Basics of Java.
  • Practice some Input-Output and OOPs-based, problems on C++ and Java.

Coding Questions :

  • Function f(x) is defined as the smallest fibonacci number greater than or equal to x. The task is to calculate g(l,r) where g(l,r) is defined as g(l,r) = f(l)+f(l+1)+f(l+2)+…..+f(r).  Constraint: 1<=l<=r<=10^9.
  • Given N coins and an array of costs that represents the cost of each digit (1,2,…9), where costs[i] is the cost of picking the digit i. The task is to find the largest number that can be represented by using the N coins.

Round 2 (Technical Interview 1):

  • The Interviewer started by asking Theory from OS, DBMS, OOPS, and CN.  This went on for around 20 mins.
  • In DBMS he asked, Normalization and its types, Transactions, etc.

In OS he asked,

  • Difference between process and thread.
  • Scheduling Algorithms.
  • Deadlocks.
  • Semaphore and Mutex.
  • Static and Dynamic Binding
  • Page fault and Demand Paging.

In OOPs, he asked

  • Important features of OOps.
  • Diamond Problem in Multiple Inheritance.
  • Virtual Keyword.

In DBMS, he asked

  • Normalization and its types.
  • Transactions.
  • ACID properties of DBMS.

In CN, he asked :

  • Difference between TCP and UDP.
  • OSI Model.

After this he asked 2 Coding Problems,

Round 3 (Technical Interview 2): The interviewer started off with, 2 Coding Questions :

After verifying the code, he asked some questions from the OS, DBMS, OOPS, and CN,

  • Difference between Unique key and Primary key.
  • Indexing and its use in DBMS.
  • Difference between Locks and Semaphore.
  • Paging and Segmentation.
  • Deadlock and its conditions.
  • What are TCP and UDP used for?
  • Why do we use Object-Oriented Programming?
  • After this, he asked if I had any questions for him.
  • This round lasted for about 70 Mins.
  • The round went well and I was confident that I would get a mail for the next round.
  • The mail for the final HR round came 4 hours later.

Round 4 (HR Interview):

  • I had never been given an HR round before, so I was a little nervous.
  • The interviewer greeted me and asked me how was my day.
  • It was more like a discussion rather than an Interview.
  • He started with the standard question, Tell me about yourself.
  • I had already prepared answers for 2-3 types of HR round introduction and Behavioral questions. So I was able to give him a short, precise, and to-the-point Introduction of mine.
  • Then he moved on to the Projects I had done in my B.Tech.
  • I told about 2-3 Projects which I did until now and briefly explained about all of them.
  • Then he asked me if I had any questions for him.
  • I asked few questions, and he was happy to answer.
  • This HR Round went on for around 15-20 Mins.
  • Next Day, Result was declared and I was selected.

My suggestion for the Interviews :

Prepare and notes down answers to some Standard HR round questions :

  • Tell me about Yourself.
  • What are your Strengths and Weaknesses?
  • Tell me about a hard situation for you, and how did you overcome it.
  • Tell me about a time when you took a risk and failed.
  • Why should we hire you?
  • At last, always keep calm while giving the Interviews for positive results.
  • All the best for your Interviews.