Tekion Interview Experience for Associate Software Engineer Intern + FTE

Tekion Corp. visited our campus to hire Associate Software Engineers on 8th August 2022.

Round 1: Online Assessment Round (90 min): It happened on 8th August 2022. It consisted of 10 MCQs and 2 coding questions. The MCQs were focused on OOPS concepts & DSA concepts and the coding questions were also medium-hard level questions.

I was able to solve all the MCQs and the second coding question and only 3-4 test cases passed for the first coding question. From this round, 29 candidates were selected and received an interview link through email.

Round 2: Technical Interview – I (around 60 min): It happened to be a virtual interview process that we attended from our respective places. It was on 10th August 2022. The interview started with my interviewer giving a brief intro about himself after that I proceeded to introduce myself. In the meantime, the interviewer went through my resume.

After that, we had a discussion on my resume. We discussed all the projects I had worked on, what were the technologies I had used. And then he asked some questions regarding that. A few of them are:

  • What is React?
  • What is Virtual DOM?
  • Some follow-up questions based on my responses

Then we went ahead to some DSA problems. He asked me a question which was basically about the Rainwater Trapping Problem. I was stuck on the problem for around a minute and then he asked me if I needed a hint. After receiving the hint I solved the problem’s brute force approach. Then I told him about the improved time complexity approach and he seemed satisfied. 

He then asked me 

  • What a Binary Search Tree is? 
  • What is the time complexity for searching in a BST?

Then he asked me if I knew about OOPs and about pillars of OOPs. I explained all the pillars in detail along with examples and uses. 

Then I again was asked some questions on React and web development. Some of them, that I can remember are:

  • What is the difference between Functional and Class Components in React?
  • When we write “www.google.com” in the address bar what happens actually, like what is the process behind the scenes? (Something like this, I don’t remember exactly)
  • How does the browser display the UI?

At last, he told me that he was done and asked me whether I have any questions for him. I asked 2-3 questions and ended the meeting. After this round, selected people received an invitation to the next round through email.

Round 3 Technical Interview – II (60 -75 min): The interview began with my interviewer introducing herself and asking about my day. Then I gave my introduction. She then told me that my last round’s feedback about my projects was amazing, so we went through my projects once. After that, she asked me about my preferred language for DSA. 

In this round mainly DSA questions were there. Some of the questions I was asked (which I can remember) are:

  • Given an array of integers, I had to return the next permutation
  • Given an array, I have to return an array in which each element is the product of all the elements of the array except itself (here). The thing is that she told me in the beginning only that I cannot use the divide operator and I have to solve it in O(n) time complexity. After she also asked if we can further optimize space to a single extra array apart from the answer array.
  • Given an array and a target, I have to return all the distinct pairs whose sum equals the target. (something like this)
  • A modified question 3 had a backtracking solution. I don’t remember the problem.
  • Given an array in which all the elements occur twice except one. Find that number with a single occurrence. (here)

Also unlike the general rule that we should first discuss brute force and then proceed to an optimized approach, she was more interested in directly knowing the optimized approach. And I was only required to write pseudo code for questions.

Now 2 SQL questions:

  • Find duplicate emails from a table containing emails and IDs (as primary key).
  • Given an Orders table with order_id and customer_id. A Customer table that has customer_id. Now I have to return the list of customers who have never ordered.

Now some OOPS questions like:

  • Difference between Method Overloading and Method Overriding.
  • Difference between Inheritance and Composition.

Then as a final question, she asked me to design an elevator system. How will I manage the orders of the keys pressed on different floors? Let’s say I am traveling from floor 3 to floor 5 and someone pressed a button on floor 4, now how will I handle that? What if there are multiple elevators? How will I choose which elevator to move to when someone presses a button and there are multiple lifts?

After this, she asked me whether I have any questions for her, and I asked a few questions related to work culture and things she finds amazing about Tekion.

Overall this round was amazing (I would even say that this was better than HR round XD).

Round 4 – HR Round (30 – 40 mins): This was a typical HR round. He asked me about myself. Some questions like why Tekion, my strengths, and weaknesses. What am I doing to improve myself? Some situation-based questions, like what would I do in that situation? Some more general discussion. After that, some personal questions were asked for background checks and the interview ended.

A total of 13 students were selected. I am very happy that I was one of them.

Verdict: Selected


  • Be confident. They’ll cross-question you a lot.
  • Try to communicate as much as possible
  • Practice DSA a lot because the online round is a challenge
  • All the rounds happened to be on the same day so keep your energy level up.
  • Don’t makeup answers. If you don’t know something just say don’t know.
  • At the end ask questions that depict you are interested in the company.