The Importance of Using a Firewall

Overview :
A firewall is a firmware or software that is an essential part of a computer network’s security system. In simple terms, it acts as an intermediary or wall of separation between the insecure internet and secure internal network which may be a computer, company network, or home network. Separating the internet from your internal network traffic is the default function of most firewalls. However, you can change the default settings to allow selected trustworthy networks through the firewall thus creating controlled openings that don’t compromise the network’s safety but at the same time allow the passage of certain network traffic.  

Importance of Using a Firewall :
The following points listed below are the most relevant in explaining the importance of firewalls is as follows.

Feature-1 :
Monitoring Network Traffic –
Firewall security starts with effective monitoring of network traffic based on pre-established rules and filters to keep the systems protected. Monitoring of network traffic involves the following security measures.  

  1. Source or destination-based blocking of incoming network traffic –
    This is the most common feature of most firewalls, whereby the firewalls block the incoming traffic by looking into the source of the traffic.
  2. Outgoing network traffic can be blocked based on the source or destination –
    Many firewalls can also filter data between your internal network and the Internet. You might, for example, want to keep employees from visiting inappropriate websites.
  3. Block network traffic based on content –
    More modern firewalls can screen network traffic for inappropriate content and block traffic depending on that. A firewall that is integrated with a virus scanner, for example, can prevent virus-infected files from entering your network. Other firewalls work in tandem with e-mail services to filter out unwanted messages.
  4. Report on network traffic and firewall activities –
    When filtering network traffic to and from the Internet, it’s also crucial to know what your firewall is doing, who tried to break into your network, and who tried to view prohibited information on the Internet. A reporting mechanism of some sort is included in almost all firewalls.

Feature-2 : 
Stops Virus Attacks and spyware –
With cyber thieves creating hundreds of thousands of new threats every day, including spyware, viruses, and other attacks like email bombs, denial of service, and malicious macros, it’s critical that you put protections in place to keep your systems safe. The number of entry points criminals can exploit to get access to your systems grows as your systems become more complicated and strong. Spyware and malware programs designed to penetrate your networks, manage your devices, and steal your data are one of the most common ways unwelcome persons obtain access.  Firewalls are a crucial line of defense against malicious software.

Feature-3 : 
Preventing Hacks –
Cyber threats are evolving at a fast pace and are widespread. Firewalls keep hackers out of your data, emails, systems, and other sensitive information. A firewall can either entirely block a hacker or push them to choose a more vulnerable target.

Feature-4 :  
Promotes Privacy –
Having a firewall keeps the data safe and builds an environment of privacy that is trustworthy and a system without a firewall is accepting every connection into the network from anyone. Without a firewall, there would be no way to detect incoming threats. As a result, malicious users may be able to gain access to your devices and thereby compromising privacy. It’s critical to take advantage of existing defenses to safeguard your network and the personal information stored on your computer against cybercrime.