ThinkBridge Interview Exprience for Apprentice Software Engineer

Selection Process:

  • MCQs
  • In-Office Coding Round
  • 1-2 Technical Interview
  • HR Interview

Round – 1: MCQs (40 mins)

  1. The first round comprises 30 mcqs and the time limit is 40 minutes.
  2. Topics were Aptitude, Pseudo-code, Data Structures and Algorithms, Logical and Critical Thinking, Image-Based Questions, Git and SQL.

Round – 2: In-Office Codding Round (90 mins)

  1. After completing round 1, you will get a mail within a week or two for the next which is an In-Office round at Pune.
  2. In that round you will be invited to their office (address and date included in the mail + they will call you as a reminder).
  3. In the Pune office you have to bring your laptop and charger. After setting up your laptop you will be provided with 3 coding questions with difficulty (Easy, Medium, Hard).
  4. With this they don’t expect you to write the exact code but what approach you take to solve a problem. You have to write your problem statement, Algorithm, Pseudo-Code, Code, and Output in MS Word.

Note: Check you have MS Word installed on your laptop, otherwise your solution won’t be accepted.

Round – 3: Technical Interview (45 – 50mins)

  1. After giving an in-office round within a week you will be notified of your results, and you will receive a call from HR if selected for the technical round.
  2. This can be a 2-round elimination for some candidates.
  3. Topics: Know each corner of your resume (Projects, Internships, Soft Skills, Technical Skills etc.), DBMS, Web Technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), Python or Java depends on the candidate. Expect some behavior questions as well.

Round – 4: HR (20 – 30mins)

1) Basic Questions:

  • Tell me about yourself?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Tell me about an experience when you faced difficulty at work while working on a project?

and some situation-based questions as well.