TIAA Interview Experience for Software Developer

Overall 3 rounds:

  1. Intercollege hackathon (offline)
  2. Technical round (online)
  3. Technical + HR round (online)

The First Round: Collaborative Innovation The inter-college hackathon kicked off with an intense first round. As a member of a diverse team, we had to brainstorm and develop innovative solutions to real-world problems. The atmosphere was charged with enthusiasm and creativity as teams strived to create unique prototypes and present their ideas to a panel of judges.

Our team’s collective efforts paid off, and we were thrilled to be announced as one of the winners. The feeling of accomplishment and the validation of our hard work were truly gratifying.

The Second Round: The Technical Interview The second round of the competition tested our technical expertise. We were put through a comprehensive technical interview that covered the fundamentals of Java, C++, and C. Additionally, questions related to SQL and software testing were asked to assess our understanding and practical knowledge.

The Third Round: A Blend of Technical and HR The third and final round was a combination of technical and HR aspects. This round aimed to assess our technical proficiency further while also evaluating our communication skills and ability to work in a team.

During this round, we faced challenging questions related to Java, and SQL, and even solved intricate puzzles. The environment was dynamic, with the interviewers encouraging us to think on our feet and provide logical solutions.

Despite giving our best, I fell short in this round. However, the experience itself was invaluable, as it highlighted areas for improvement and provided valuable insights into my strengths and weaknesses.