Tiger Analytics Interview Experience for Data Science (On-Campus)

Recently, I have been through the interview experience of Tiger Analytics Chennai and I would like to share my experience with everyone. There was two rounds 1 written + 1 technical interview.

Every round is an elimination round.

Round 1(Aptitude and Technical questions): This round is a huge elimination round like 300+members attended this round which contains MCQs on aptitude and some technical questions on OOPS, time complexity, and algorithms, and there were 3 coding Questions.

Aptitude was quite easy to attempt. Besides that, the technical questions are of medium to hard level so need to work on algorithms.
Only 29 members are qualified for the next round.

Round 2 (Interview Round): The Interview lasted for 55 mins. They mainly focused on 3 things :

  • Coding: you’ll have to use any language to code some logical problem like the ones we are used to seeing in competitive programming.
  • Your knowledge about the techniques used in Data Science: you need to be well versed with concepts like Scaling, tokenization, and vectorization and know which situations all these should be applied.
  • Your projects: you should know in detail about each technical term you are using in explaining your project to the interviewer. It is preferable to have an ML or related project on your resume.

The interviewer also asked me some basic Probability Questions, so revise the concepts before appearing for the interview. Finally, the next day afternoon the results were declared.